Laklen Royal Dynasty Organization in Mage Hunter | World Anvil
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Laklen Royal Dynasty

The Laklen Royal family rules the Laklen Empire. The family first came to prominence in the 48th century during the Laklen Revolution, during a time when the Laklen royal family was controlled by corrupt Mage class and Protic Cultists. The current king's nephew, a prince named Hanri, rose up against the cultists with the backing of the people and laid siege to the royal castle for seven months. When the castle was breached, Hanri killed his uncle in the throne room and declared himself king. He established an order of warriors who were trained to fight cultists and instigated a prolonged inquisition against the cults. In the process, many local mage communities were also implicated. Hanri was assassinated and his son, Marrell, expanded the group to hunt down all forms of magic. Marrell volunteered to help the king of the nearby Lachin kingdom get rid of their native cults, but in the process, ended up occupying the country. It was made official when Marrell's son, Lorr, married the Lachin Queen, Celenya. Lorr then invaded the neighboring Rûnic lands and the kingdom of Cal. The war made Laklen rich, and King Lorr gave away land to warriors who had helped him in battle, creating a new noble class from the ranks of his soldiers. Lorr then marched north, but was stopped by the Mages from the Order of Ria, and his forces stalled at Druids River. Several times, Lorr broke through, and many battles were fought in Druidswood over the years, which left a strong magical imprint. However, during a pivotal battle, called the Battle of the Stones, Lorr was killed and his forces retreated. The Temple Guardian at the time followed the retreating Laklen forces all the way to the river, but then ordered a halt, allowing the retreating army to regroup. Though the fighting died down with Lorr's successor, King Othul, the river became the long-term boundary between the two forces.


The royal family uses an equal progenitor inheritance, meaning that the oldest child, regardless of gender, becomes the monarch.


The Laklen Royal Family has the right to take anything they wish from within the realm, unless it belongs to another noble. For over a thousand years, the family has grown incredibly wealthy from trade and conquest. With a standing army of six thousand and the authority to draft any citizen between the ages of fifteen and fifty, they have the largest military in this part of the world. Their navy also is proportional. The King or Queen themselves own a minimum of nine castles within the realm, which are at the disposal of the family, while others change hands. These include Lakeshire Palace, Rotshire Castle, Darcion Castle, Seabridge Castle, Greendale Castle, Southall, Marion Castle, Gwydorr Castle, and Southdown Palace.


Since the death of Lorr, the Laklen Royal Family has continued mostly uninterrupted to the present day.


The Imperial Family controls all the land that once belonged to Na'mainarn, Laklorin, Dain'sai Tal, and Nathe'dan. They also lay claim to all the lands north of the Druidsriver, including Gae-Hirach, Druidswood, Elverhir, Sai'Haine, and Ru'Didanin, though those lands do not regognize them as their soverign. The origional realm once included only Laklorin, but Na'Mainarn fell under the control of the Laklorin king due to marraige, Nathe'dan was later conquered along with Dain'sai Tal.


Though there is no real religion, the dedication of respect is given towards the ancesters of the ruler.

Foreign Relations

The Royal Family maintains good relations with Ajjar, and the Eastern Isles.

Agriculture & Industry

Though most of the land is agricultural, the cities of Lavarune, and Sorinath remain centers of trade and industry. In Sorinath, raw materials are collected and refined before being sold, thus the guilds and companies which control them possess great power in the city, almost equal to nobility. The banking industry also flourishes in Sorinath, resulting in the rise of several affluent banking families. Iron and Copper are mined in Gira'Nathe, and then made into products for sale in Sorinath by the Metal Guilds, lumber is grown further north and then shipped in Sorinath.

Trade & Transport

Sea trade is centered in Sorinath, at the mouth of the Sorin river, and a series of ports along the eastern shore leads northward to the Capital. Roads such as Kingsway also connect major towns to eachother.


School is entirely privatized, and expensive enough for most low income families not to afford it, or only afford it for a few years of their children's lives. For most children, they attend school only from five to ten years old, then take on an apprenticeship, or work for their families. If their families work a farm, they join the labor, while those in the city find work with craftsmen if they can, or get a job of hard labor if they can't. Wealthier children continue school until the age of sixteen. At that age, they are qualified for better apprenticeships such as scribes, healers, cartographers, ect. Boys that pass a fitness exam can join a local battleschool and serve in the army, which is the surest way for a man of low birth can climb to a higher rank. If the child is born into an exeptionally well of family, they are taught by a tutors or a governess until age ten, then sent to a boarding school until graduation at sixteen. Then, they can attend certain colleges or academies which offer higher education in science, mathematics, rhetoric, history, language, and political theory. Girls of wealthy statues can attend finishing schools which serve also as ladies clubs, ensuring benefical connections, and insulation from scandel.


The country boats many impressive palaces, fortrices and castles belonging to the nobility.
For as long as the New Dynasty reigned, it has held the reputation of military strength. Each king tries to distinguish himself through conquest, rewarding soldiers with money and land, which has resulted in an artistocratic class populated by generals eager for war.
The current reigning monarch, King Theodore III and his eldest, Rajni, reside in the Castle of Laverun.
Founding Date
Alternative Names
Laklen Imperial Family/ The House of Lorr
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Leader Title
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Economic System
Money comes in the form of iron, copper and gold alloy coins.
Major Exports
Main exports from Sorinath or other ports included metals and bricks from Rotshire, grain and food products from Greendale, and other generally useful supplies.
Major Imports
Popular imports in the country include coffee, gold, linen, dye, glass, and paper. Wealthy citizens like to buy Ajjarn made toys for their children, or clocks from Sai'Haine. They enjoy wearing large amounts of silk, and eating foods containing sugar. Exotic alchohal is also in demand, such as rum, ricewine, and others. Coffee houses are common in the southern part of the land, where high society people like to gather and socialize, and people like to collect and fill their homes with the latest Ajjaren art style or invention. A less famous, but no less common import is that of perfume, makeup, and other cosmetic products from the Eastern Isles or Ajjar.
Legislative Body
A congregation of advisors helps the monarch to come up with new laws, and councils him on legal technicalities. Most of these members are part of the nobility.
Judicial Body
The monarch is responsable for the interpretation of laws, though a Minister is assigned to each region, for day to day cases. Usually, the Lord of the region is also the minister, or hires a minister in their place.
Executive Body
The executive duty falls to the military, city guard, or the personal guards of the nobles. They have the power to arrest anyone in the name of the king or (other) so long as they are not also noble.
Official State Religion
Subsidiary Organizations
Permeated Organizations
Related Ranks & Titles
Notable Members
Related Ethnicities
The Mage Hunters are a vital asset to the Laklen Royal Family and have existed since the revolution.

Articles under Laklen Royal Dynasty


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