Tikhon Vasilievich Character in Lukomorye | World Anvil
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Tikhon Vasilievich (TEE*khon Vah*SIL*yeh*vich)

Tikhon is the majordomo in the Zmiihorod citadel, a high official in the service of Prince Mikhailo Glebovich. Tikhon seems to handle the administration of justice as well as the day-to-day operations of the princely estate in the city.   He was initially attracted by the musicianship of Amadeo de Luca, who put on a show outside the citadel gates. He invited him and his companions to stay at the citadel, and talked to him at length about introducing him to foreign trade partners, as well as informing him of overseas marvels, and even copying foreign texts. He also spoke to Sister Irina regarding her petition to apprehend Khoma for murder. Tikhon set out the rates for filing a grievance, but also questioned the nun regarding the reason for her approach of temporal authorities, given that the convent owns the land on which the alleged crime took place. He did not refuse to get involved, but owing to the distance and cost, recommended that the convent of St. Aleksandr handle the matter.   Tikhon later had a long discussion with Amadeo concerning a possible partnership between the two. It was also later learned that he was the father of Nadia, a girl who had flirted with both Ivan and Amadeo during their stay in town.
Early 30s
Current Residence


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