Human Species in Lukomorye | World Anvil
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Humans are by far the most populous kind on the face of the earth. They have spread throughout the world with (they believe) divine sanction, gradually occupying the most habitable parts, and pushing other creatures to the wilderness where they can. They are builders of cities and villages, sowers of grain, and rearers of livestock of various kinds. They produce fine handicrafts and artifices of various kinds, and have devised (some say, inherited) systems of signs to record the events of life for all time. They have established mighty kingdoms that seek to impose a single law over the whole of the earth in the name of divine powers.   Yet this supreme human confidence in their right to serve as the stewards of the earth goes hand-in-hand with profound anxiety regarding their destiny. All attempts to build a single empire to cover the entire world have ended in utter failure. Kings claiming universal rulership squabble with others making the same claims. Despite having proclaimed faith in a single God, humans do not agree what that God commanded, and how to worship him. Many people turn back to wild and violent ways, and even among those clinging to a modicum of civilized life, lying, cheating, stealing and murder are rife. Backsliding into polytheism is common, and some fear that idolatry is returning. Fires, famines, floods and plagues rage across the land, and servants of the nether powers are gathering. Can priests, rulers or heroes save humankind, or is relying on divine intervention all that's left to a humankind that has not lived up to its potential?   Divers colours   Being numerous and widespread, humans differ greatly in appearance, outlook, and lifestyle. Humans speak a multiplicity of languages, many completely unintelligible to one another. They learn many different skills depending on whether they live in forested areas, on the steppe, along seacoasts, or in mountain valleys. They practice multiple religions, and contend with one another regarding which one is best. So numerous and heterogeneous are they that many groups don't even take one another for humankind at all, believing them to be spawn of the netherworld, or some other creature entirely.   Power and pride   Despite their diversity, most humans are peasants and herders, trying to survive in conditions of great scarcity. The fruits of the different crafts and learning are enjoyed by very few indeed. The great princes and nobility consider this state of affairs the natural order of things, and say that without them, people's evil urges would be unchecked, and the world would be engulfed in utter chaos.   Mortality   Even the great live in fear of death. They seek to impose their power over the world, for they want to enjoy the feeling of dominion while they can, and give it a semblance of eternity through songs, writing, and durable institutions. There is still jealousy toward other kinds among humans, for even though they are few in number, some of them still enjoy the gift of immortality. This gift, along with magic, is mostly forbidden to humans (which is why those who do develop it use it with such abandon).

Basic Information

Ecology and Habitats

Most climes

Additional Information

Social Structure


Civilization and Culture

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Generally regard themselves as superior in comparison with other species
Created by God (or the gods)
40 years on average, 60 for those who make it through childhood
Average Height
over 5 and half feet tall for men, a few inches shorter for women
Average Weight
150 lbs.


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