Grey Wolf's Realm Geographic Location in Lukomorye | World Anvil
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Grey Wolf's Realm

The entrance to Grey Wolf's realm is located at the bottom of a huge oak tree, about a day's travel southwest of the village of Malinka. The hole is completely dark, and there is no sound when an item is thrown into it. It is not clear how long the portal has been there.   Going through the portal brings one into the realm. It is an impossibly dark, thick wood, and a visitor needs a light source to be able to see anything, but a strong wind blows through, making it hard to keep candles lit. The ground is covered with snow. Dire wolves roam through the wood, and come upon unsuspecting travelers.   In the midst of the wood stands Grey Wolf's fortress. It is made of old, thick, intertwined living trees. The entrance to the fortress is a huge wolf's maw, known as the Maw Gate. There is no record at present of the maw biting someone going through it.   Someone going through the Maw Gate finds themselves in a domed chamber made of trees and vines. It appears to have no other exits. Once inside, Grey Wolf's disembodied voice speaks to visitors. Apparently, it is able to open the one doorway in the chamber at will. At one point, Kolovul entered the chamber through that portal in order to subdue Yuri.   It is not clear whether there are any other chambers in the fortress (its size suggests that there are), or any other locations in the realm. Agapia had gone through the gate just before her companions, but she did not appear in the reception hall along with them. She herself recalls being confined in a similar tree-lined chamber, where it was impossible to keep a light on. At one point, she relates, she awoke next to the hooded figure of Kivi, though it is not clear how she got there. Kivi spoke to her kindly, and held her, and then she was pervaded with a warm feeling of emptiness. She no longer felt the egg radiating its power inside her. Then she slept, and when she awoke, she was being retched out of Grey Wolf's maw, and nearly being mangled with this teeth.
Dimensional plane


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