The Alvkirk Organization in Lornlusk | World Anvil

The Alvkirk

Mythology & Lore

The Alvkirk holds that before the creation of mankind, the world was Primordial Chaos, and that Otynn, the King of the Gods, sacrificed himself in order to create a world in which his future children, Humanity, could thrive. He split the world into separate layered planes of reality, the Order-aligned Higher Planes, and the Chaotic Lower Planes. It is the charge of the faithful to pr

Tenets of Faith

Those who follow the Alvkirk hold that the world can be made a better place through humility and sacrifice. This is the core of all beliefs of the Alvkirk, and it is only through one's sacrifice outweighing one's sin that one's soul may find eternal rest in Reinveldt.


Acts of inflicting any sort of harm on others or acts of self-indulgence are considered sinful by most. Some folk's beliefs are more strict than others, with some believing that acts of self-indulgence are forgivable as long as they are done within moderation, while others restrict themselves of even basic necessities such as shelter, bathing, and even food and water. These are all forms of self-sacrifice, believed by the faithful to put one in good standing with the goddess Alvlaith, who chooses who may pass into. Others may sacrifice their time and money to help those in need, and some put their very lives on the line in the name of their gods. Others maim or mutilate their own bodies, or purposefully contract deadly diseases, often in attempts to recreate the great sacrifices of Martyr Saints of old, who through their great suffering are said to have saved not only their own souls, but the souls of countless others as well. Still, others in the church offer absolution through the payment of indulgences, a practice especially common in more corrupt circles of the church.

Political Influence & Intrigue

The Alvkirk plays a very important role in the political goings-on within the Galderhamian Empire, almost to the point of the government and church being extensions of one another. While separate entities, the Emperor is seen as a holy figure within the religion, and so the church is dedicated to the protection of the Empire, just as the the Empire is dedicated to the protection of the church to maintain power. The Church has been used as a tool of the Empire countless times throughout history, such as the Arcane Inquisition following the insurrection of the powerful sorcerer Solomon the Mad, in which the Church's own paramilitary force of Inquisitors scoured the Empire putting any families with a history of magic in their bloodline to the stake. Likewise, the Empire has been used by the Church as a means of extending the reach and absolute power of the religion with state-sponsored crusades, missions, churches, and monasteries, all increasing the power of the Arch-Pontiffex
Religious, Organised Religion
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Official State Religion