Church Abjurer Profession in Lornlusk | World Anvil

Church Abjurer



Abjurers require ample religious and supernatural knowledge if they hope to be successful, and more importantly survive encounters with malicious entities. The most important book they are required to memorize is the Modus Maledictum, a text containing rituals, prayers, and countercurses required of a Church abjurer.



The Abjurers of the Restitution Church serve primarily as traveling exorcists, who wander wherever they are needed to cast out malevolent spirits and demonic presences.

Social Status

While not considered a lower class job by any means, the business of an abjurer is extremely dangerous, and so most people don't seek it out as an occupation.



Abjurers carry with them at all times a holy symbol, often Otynn's Bind, along with holy texts such as their Modus Maledictum, as well as materials such as holy water, blessed incense, ocher, and other items essential for purification, hallowing, and exorcizing rites. Many individuals also prefer to carry some sort of weapon with them in case they need to fall back on it, typically silvered so as to be effective against the entities they most encounter. They typically wear simple black and white vestments, often with a heavy black cloak and a wide-brimmed hat to help protect them from the elements on the road.


Abjurers do not have any sort of base of operations where they can go to prepare for their job. As traveling priests, they most typically find lodging at local churches, abbeys, and monasteries, or may find residence among religious folk willing to lend them a room. For the duration of the stay, their room becomes a chamber of study, prayer, and meditation, and many religious sigils are painted on the walls, ceiling, and floor to heighten the abjurer's connection to the divine. In secular residences, protective wards and signs are also drawn outside and throughout the building to ensure the residents are kept safe.

Provided Services

Abjurers specialize in exorcizing spirits and demonic presences, and also deal in the breaking of curses. They are not monster hunters, and do not meddle in affairs pertaining to creatures that are not of a malevolent spiritual or demonic origin. If one believes their home to be haunted, an abjurer can help the spirits find peace and move on. If a family has fallen victim to demonic possession, an abjurer can cast out said demon and condemn it to exile with divine power. If one believes themselves to have fallen victim to the curse of a witch or some other entity, abjurers also can unravel said curse and break it. Abjurers also specialize in the creation of wards and holy defenses against the supernatural, so many people who do not necessarily have any problems of supernatural origin at the moment may seek out an abjurer as a preventative measure to ensure nothing can happen in the future.

Dangers & Hazards

Abjurers regularly deal with malevolent spiritual and demonic presences which want nothing but to inflict harm on the living. While many of these presences aren't powerful enough to be truly life-threatening, more powerful and dangerous entities are still fairly common, resulting in abjurers often putting their lives on the line. Even these "weaker" presences often prove to be dangerous, and can inflict lasting harm on their victims.
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