Northern American Oversector Geographic Location in Long War | World Anvil

Northern American Oversector

The Northern American Oversector is the part of the Orion Spur inhabited by former inhabitants of Northern America. It is consider one of the more civilized and peaceful oversectors in Human Space, as it lacks direct access to major alien powers (save for Cogs and Screamers, both of them are however successfully contained in their own regions of Space). Also the biggest long-term regional conflicts (namely the American War) is fought with at least some rules universally followed.


Inner Systems
  Inner Colonies
Sector 11 - Manifest Destiny
Sector 16 - ???
Sector 19 - American Dream
Sector 30 - Pacific States
  Outer Colonies
Sector 32 - ???
Sector 40 - Orwell's Nightmare

Political Landscape

Great Powers
United States of America [Sector 11 and 19][APD]
Secondary Powers
Republic of Canada [Sector 30][APD]
Western United States [Sector 30][APD]
The Technocracy [Sector 40][PoS]
Alliance of Sovereign Worlds [Sector 40][APD][COALITION]
Independent Countries
American Unity [Sector 11][RPC]
American Empire [Sector 11][AR]
American Commune [Sector 19][FI]
People's Republic of America [Sector 19][NC]
Confederate States of America [Sector 19][CB]
Democratic Republic of Quebec [Sector 30][FI]
Free Republic of Texas [Sector 30][APD]
Greater Nazi Reich [Sector 30][PoS]


Notable Past Countries [Human]
Notable Aliens to inhabit the region
Silinruls - The Eastern American Cluster remained a part of the Silinrul Empire for most of its history. It lost it during the period of its unfortunate downfall.
Screamers - Screamers seized the region in the immediate aftermath of the the Silinrul Empire' downfall. There is a number of screamers ruins, seemingly either from the time before they mastered psychoactive symbolism, or simply the aurums defaced the ruins. Most of them are still hidden on the faraway worlds.
Aurums - Part of Aurum Imperium, which pushed the Screamers out of the region during the War of Screams. Mostly deserted after the Aurum Diaspora started, for reasons unknown. Seskans - It is believed that the core systems of the Seskans were located somewhere between around the Sector 11/40, in the western part of the Oversector. It is unknown how exactly they avoided detection by Screamers, some suspect that they were coming from a previously undetected subsector, or one of the many worlds in the Red Zone of either sector.
Alternative Name(s)
Eastern American Line, Eastern American Arm.
Galactic Sector


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