2 - 1.2.2 - Horns of a Dilemma Plot in Legends of Enoch | World Anvil
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2 - 1.2.2 - Horns of a Dilemma

Nor’a’s Dilemma

  • Efforts culminating into a risky all out “delving” into the world of the Sirikaeth flowers - something only Nora can do.
  • Xanadu has started what could turn into a civil war with HoT, who are truly holding their own at least for right now. Kaylee recommends that Nora head back to Minos to stop what could be a costly war effort
  • HoT was apparently ready for actions against them on Beautiful because they have managed to evade being caught. Nora’s aid could definitely be of help there.

Handling Business (ses 8)

  • Professor Xenon helps Nora to effectively gain time by assisting her with her research
  • She heads off to Minos Prime to help with the Civil War (in addition to her own actions, will essentially act as a Demagogue and a free attack cycle on the FAR, her actions will determine how many additional cycles her impact will be directly felt).
  • While Nora is researching and preparing for Minos, Tatum assists with finding a replacement for the Sheriff.
  • Oracle determines that the agent may be a Sriracha deep plant, but it turns out that it’s a double agent that has been infected with the Sirikaeth. His name? Kevin Hart.
  • Tatum discovers (via Legendary Admin roll) that Kevin Hart is a FIELD agent posing as a member of the Black Siracha (3! invokes) and gets him installed as Provisional Sheriff in Shailou PDA Triume  (2 invokes: DR 8 due to compel against Provisional SIU - “Are you a Guild or an SIU?!?”, use one invoke from Double Agent)
  • Tatum finishes his paperwork for the Provisional SIU  to operate on Shailou and Minos (1 Invoke: DR 6 due to Provisional SIU compelled during this scene)
  • Tatum prays for insight to witness to Senator Ana (DR 4 due to Prov SIU; 1 Invoke of Loyal to Federacy’s People) and witnesses to her (DR 6 due to Prov SIU; based on her Loyalty (uses invoke): she’s Very Interested in Lumina - 1 invoke)

Dancing in the Fields (Ses 9)

  • It’s time for Nora and crew to “delve” into the Sirikaeth 
  • Characters find the Sirikaeth “dragon” based on “map” drawn by Professor Xenon . He explains that the “Map” is a way to stay anchored in the Atlantean Construct.
  • When they enter, Gnome appears and attempts to slap Glaa, but she stops the Gnome and it decides to behave. It escorts them to the Dragon Hall, riding on the back of one of the doggies, which doesn’t take to it very kindly.
  • On the way down, vague strains of “The Wizard of Oz” are playing. Tatum becomes Dorothy first, and then Dumbledore (from Harry Potter) with Ruby Red Slippers (see cover image for adventure). Glaa becomes some variation of ___ and Nora is now ____.
  • They get entry directly into the sleeping dragon’s chamber and decide to wake the dragon up. Dragon breathes on them and Glaa gets hit dead center: (Moderate consequence: Draconis Halitosis Majorum). Tatum appears unfazed (rolled +4 nat). The dragon, once awake, appears intrigued that they are there to talk with him, and so decides to play chess with Glaa.
  • Glaa wins, and they are allowed to explain their situation while the dragon lets them know that someone has been tampering with the sirikaeth - harvesting lots of it, and destroying some, while some of the pollinators have been displaced (the kitty cats Glaa moved). The dragon wants it stopped. Also, The dragon may be a sore loser - it tries to finagle the team into them taking a concession, but Oracle appears (she was the Gnome!) and tells the dragon that they gained access legally. In a final contest of wills, just as it looks like the dragon is about to concede, Glass buys it’s sob story and agrees to be its willing agent. The dragon breathes again on Glaa, this time transforming into the breath and flowing into her mouth. Glaa now “has the key”... whatever that may mean…


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