Laminarum Fort Feneyl and Haerehel Reclaim Morie You

Fort Feneyl and Haerehel Reclaim Morie You

Military action


The reclamation of Morie You by the soldiers of Fort Haerehel and the valiant allies at Fort Feneyl.

After learning the harrowing tales of the 3 surviving Haerehel children that fled Morie You, the soldiers at Fort Haerehel began constructing a plan to take back their capital. Unfortunately, they never held much stock in the plan as they realized their numbers were far too few. It was a stroke of fortune that a travel ship of Fort Feneyl altered its course due to intense drought, leaving them to anchor at their cousins' ports. The travelers learned of the tragedy that befell the southerners before reporting back to Fort Feneyl in haste.   While the Westerners were hesitant to respond to the call, they sent word to Gerron for guidance. Once again struck by luck, a young and rebellious Prince Ulitol Feneyl would find himself on a dubious caper in the city. Hoping to get away from the restrictive lands of the Waning Keep and political headaches, he would find himself getting involved when the messenger arrived. Hoping to reduce politics to the depth of children's story books of heroes and demons, he would force Gerron to heed the call, claiming it would help make reparations for his pitiful family's actions inThe War of Eyiliv. His call, while uninformed, led to a resounding success as the hundreds of new troops helped topple the blockade and retake the city.   Ulitol's preserved journals state that he had considered making good on his new allies' debts by claiming the throne for himself, as the children were far too young to rule. Past that, he considered making future marriage propositions. When all was said and done, he resisted both temptations, returning home. Certainly an unexpected decision when compared to his older self, but he believed it would improve optics if he returned home instead.   It would be Vaeya Haerehel who ascended to the throne, under the guidance of Fort Haerehel's General Giyaran until she reached the age of 20 (perhaps explaining her disposition towards strict military action).   While many considered unleashing genocide upon the dark elves, it was Vaeya and Giyaran who stopped it upon hearing the plight of the king's old chambermaid, who had taken action to save the royal family and aided in their escape. The plea touched Vaeya's heart, showing her that the dark elves were not fully plighted people. It was this tale that got turned into stories, poems, and songs which would save the perception surrounding dark elves in the future. While they are rarely discriminated against today in a social sense, elvish researchers into Melifi tend to assert that they are biologically more inclined towards deceit than your standard elf.

Related Location
Morie You
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History of Laminarum