Fort Haerehel Building / Landmark in Laminarum | World Anvil

Fort Haerehel (Hair-eh-hell)

Fort Haerehel, a mountain fortress led by a family of the same name, was established to establish control over the central mountains of Silse. It was intended to stay a fort, but persistent pestering from Yael convinced Riyael to give permission for further expansion. Since it was still a military base at its core, it was a direct extension of Kingdom Nim, meaning any civil expansion would be as well. This would later create conflict, with Haerehel arguing that their own 'city' should be subject to the "optional citizenship" rule. Riyael swiftly declined this, arguing that direct communication gained by dominion was necessary, in case any 'celestial' intervention continued (such as the constructs, mountain guardians, or the Hailen Ryr). This argument worked for a while, but Yael wanted more.    Fort Haerehel was placed at the Northernmost point of the Southern mountain range. This position put it directly across from Outpost Feneyl with the robust River Nim dividing them. Its position was initially based on its natural and defensive survey potential. They could have a birds-eye view from the mountains and quick travel via the river. In its later years, after the death of Yael, it would be recognized for its survey potential over Outpost Feneyl, who was rumored to be planning a revolution.

Purpose / Function

To defend and survey celestial events. It was also intended for expansion, before Nim realized the lack of valuable resources in its mountain range.


  • 4 dense walls
  • control over the mountains
  • advanced catapult technology
  • river control
Founding Date
Parent Location


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