Augur's Ordination Tradition / Ritual in Laminarum | World Anvil

Augur's Ordination

The augur's ordination is a ceremony in which 3 predetermined Augurs rise to replace their forbearers and lead the Augury. Ever since the conception of the current empire, augurs have been appointed in threes for the purpose of using the divination provided by Chaimut in order to guide the empire and avoid disaster. As the cultural and political figureheads of the government, they are held to a high standard in which they must hold each other accountable to the truth of their visions.   The ordination itself is a day long festival, ideally held the day after the death of the last Augur in the previous order. Prior to their death, each Augur is expected to receive a vision to help them discover their ideal successor in both spirit, mind, and divination capabilities. The event marks a celebration in which no work is to be done in order to appreciate the life of the deceased Augurs, the ascension of the new, and the grace of the Ohdaufeen  The ceremony officially begins on the day that the final Augur passes away, as every sconce in the Saint's Keep, Augur's tower, and senate room is lit and maintained until the end of the ordination, as it follows the next day. The belongings and body of the deceased predecessor are collected and disposed of by manner that the individual desired, so long as it conforms to one of the many cultures represented within the Augury. A common choice is a Salt Burial, in which the bodies are returned to the Snow Rock Isles and buried beneath salt, along with their belongings.    During the ordination, the three new augurs are transported to the senate, where they are expected to give a speech regarding their future relationships with their future peers. Directly after, a speech is given by each new Augur regarding their specific predecessor. The consuls then follow to speak about the state of the nation, tending to focus on the positives that the deceased augurs brought to the empire. Following these many speeches is a tour, where the new Augurs are meant to greet their new subjects.

Death Before Vision?

While it is a highly unexpected event, there has been one occasion in which all three Augurs died before they discovered their replacements. In the year 1791 of the era Middagstid, all 3 Augurs were slain by their very own defenders known as the Griarvarsi. This would be the beginning of the continent-wide conflict known as The Silence  . There was no protocol for a tragedy such as this. Viable replacements took years to find, with the first being discovered by 'the Company of Fools,' as he was being held prisoner by Arniel Kane, who instigated this political cascade.

Political Gain?

While Augurs are selected from among the entire population of the empire, the role has led to extreme bias amongst those selected. Augurs have been discovered lying about their visions in order to gain financial or political power.
While many have accused the Augurs of lying for their own purposes, concerns have been minimal ever since the the ordination of the augurs following The Silence  . For both their safety and political security, the role of the augurs has shifted from one of control and respect into a glorified prison sentence, where the augurs are forced to stay in their communal quarters, only communicating with the two consuls beneath them. This has bred a new wave of scandals, which sees the consuls bending the words of the augurs for their own political gain, upon relaying information to the senate.

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Unfortunate Augurs

Prior to the present Augurs, a set of 3 were ordinated on the 8th of Orphember, also known as the "day of 8 crowns." This holiday is one of resentment towards the Ancient Ithitar and reverence towards the Ohdaufeen patrons of the Augury. While the date was unfortunate, the senate decided that the ordination took precedence, allowing the celebration to occur the day after the death of the prior remaining augur. Fortunately, their rulership was not one of misfortune, as many assumed it would be. 
Milin Orphi
Character | Feb 3, 2024

All art made by Midjourney*

The Augur's Pledge

The Augur's Pledge is seen as a modern necessity for any that ascend to the highest position in the Augury. The creed serves to ensure that the Augur's maintain their devotion to truth, their nation, and their people. As time progresses, however, many wish that the consuls were required to take a similar pledge.


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