The Devil Organization in Laan | World Anvil
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The Devil

The Fifteenth

The Devil is the fifteenth member of The Twenty-Two and is master of the Underworlds. Often called Eternal Jailor The Devil watches over the souls damned to his realms setting his devils on them to torture them until their afterlife sentence is served. The souls here that go mad from the pain become demons and attempt to escape.

The Devil is depicted along side Justiceand Judgement from time to time, as a reminder that sould one's sould be heavy with burden, they will be sent to the fifteenth's realms of torture to spend their afterlife in near eternal agony as penance for their mortal crimes.

Tenets of Faith

Edicts: Make deals to build strength. Hold people to contracts they've signed. Complete all agreed obligations.
Anathema: Help someone for free. Break a contract you sign. Fail to fulfil an obligation.

Granted Divine Powers

Devotee Benefits

Divine Ability Strength or Dexterity
Divine Font Harm
Divine Skill Deception
Favoured Weapon Spiked Chain
Domains Ambition, Darkness, Delerium, Indulgence, Trickery, Tyranny
Cleric Spells 4th: Suggestion, 7th: Force Cage, 9th: Divinity Leech

Avatar Form

Speed 30 feet, fly Speed 70 feet;
Melee Single Action Spiked Chain (disarm, trip, reach 15 feet), Damage 6d8+6 slashing;
Ranged Single Action Flames of Torture (nonlethal, range 120 feet), Damage 6d6+3 fire.
Alignment: LE
Follower Alignment: LN, LE, NE
Divine Colour: Maroon
Parent Organization
Related Myths


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