Knights of the Barghest Organization in Kobos | World Anvil

Knights of the Barghest

"I once heard someone say 'thank the Demiurge they're on our side' in reference to the Knights of the Barghest. When they say this, they're sorely misunderstanding the situation.   "They aren't on our side at all. They're against the greenskins. That's fine for us right now and all, but wars have a strange way about them. There might come a time when we have to stand next to the goblins. Perhaps the dragons, perhaps Orcus, who can say? But there could be something that threatens all of us, green or not. On that day, the knights will carve a bloody murder canyon through our ranks just to get at the goblins. They are a weapon designed for a single purpose. It's important to keep that in mind when you see them grind whole legions down."   ~Ellayne Warbough


There are nine knights who each lead twelve Men-at-Arms. The knights report directly to Margrave Arronax Skinner.

Public Agenda

Undermine, oppose, disrupt and destroy the greenskin menace.


Wealth 3d4.


The knights were founded immediately after the Doomed Crusade of 987. They were gathered from adventurers who had been raised in one of the many Krezym orphanages. They were specifically chosen because, in addition to being renowned fighters, they were all orphaned by Greenskins.

Blugtak Ryk (Grind them into dust in the Goblin Tongue)

Sir Lazurne the Executioner  
Sir Fenet the Forsaken
Sir Barani the Impious
Sir Boklin the Sable Fox
Sir Viktan the Merciless
Sir Direk the Rook
Sir Faon the Herald
Sir Kinzer the Dancer  
Sir Callop the Flagrans
Founding Date
Year 988
Military, Special Operations Force
Alternative Names
Sable Knights
Parent Organization
Controlled Territories


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