Cunning Folk Profession in Kobos | World Anvil

Cunning Folk

"The existence of folk magic necessitates the existence of the cunning folk. The existence of the College of Questions requires that they be cautious, if cunning they truly are."   ~Cerin Clanless, Deputy in Alcedene



A cunning man or cunning woman needs to be able to project the idea that they are familiar with arcane magic, in particular Folk Magic. Trust of the settlement in which they operate is tantamount to their position.

Career Progression

Many cunning folk apprentice under a cunning elder, who teaches them the craft. Others are self taught. Their early careers are typically reserved for serving the most desperate until they earn a reputation of competence, often moving from place to place to avoid their failures until they are consistently successful enough.

Payment & Reimbursement

Cunning folk payments are transactional and negotiated as part of asking for a service. Occasionally, Plutarchs may put one on retainer.



The cunning folk see to the arcane needs of the town, offering prophylactic against minor curses or exorcising ghosts. They also serve as local experts on the arcane, and field questions. They can be expected to have some knowledge in herbalism and even perhaps alchemy. Much of their business is selling poultices and salves.

Social Status

Most settlements have a bit of a love/hate relationship with their local coot or crone. On one hand, they are an expert in the healing and protective uses of folk magic. On the other, they are an expert in its curses and malisons as well. If a witchfinder comes to town, most of the cunning folk know to make themselves scarce.


Even large settlements rarely have many cunning folk. 1 or 2 per 1000 at the most.
Alternative Names
coot (male)/crone (female), hedge wizard, hedge witch, folk sorcerer, cunning one
Most settlements want a cunning man or woman around.


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