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Common Insults

Throughout the Kingdom of Sorrano there are many insults one might hear, some of which make specific references to a particular region or settlement, and many of which are racist or sexist in nature. The following are a few examples of the kinds of insults you might hear while traveling across the land:  
Langdale Lizard Lover
This insult is a reference to the Langdale Lizardfolk who dwell in the swamps outside the Village of Langdale. More specifically, it refers to the folks who dwell in the Village of Langdale, insulting them for their acceptance (or love, according to the insult) of the Langdale Lizardfolk with whom they essentially coexist. To break down the insult even further, it is often used in a general fashion to insult anyone who is in a romantic relationship with someone from outside their race, and typically it is only directed toward a Human. You will rarely hear such an insult used in the more diverse settlements, but in those places that are almost exclusively populated by Humans the insult is heard much more frequently. Variations of this insult may sound something like, "Go back to Langdale, Lizard Lover!" or "What are you, from Langdale?", among others.  
Tree Hugger
This insult is used almost exlusively by Humans who direct the slur toward Elves, though it is also used toward members of the Keepers of the Land, the kingdom's premier environmentalist organization.  
This insult is used most commonly (though not exclusively) by men toward any woman that they feel isn't staying "in her place" and deferring to the man's authority. It is also used very frequently toward members of the Sisters, the kingdom's sole organization devoted to female empowerment.
Common Phrases
Langdale Lizard Lover
Tree Hugger


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