Congress of Columbia Document in Kingdom of America | World Anvil
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Congress of Columbia

The Congress of Columbia was a meeting of the monarchs and political leaders of North and South America to descide a consensus towards the Great War waging in Europe, Africa, and Asia.


As The Great War waged on in Europe, many of the nations in the Americas argued over what to do about the conflict. King Edward III of America argued that the nations should remain neutral in an isolationist policy as prescribed in the Continental Ordinance.

Document Structure

Publication Status

The treaty that was meant to arise form the Congress of Columbia never manifested as their was never one single consensus. Those nations that wished to remain neutral, such as America, Peru, Argentina, and Brazil, signed an accord to remain so in accordance with the Continental Ordinance.

Historical Details


Many other nations, Canada being the most vocal, argued for intervention. Canada went as far as sending military forces in support of Britain. Others, such as Haiti, elected to interpret the Ordinance to attempt to pressure Jamaica and other British Caribbean islands under their dominion. While successful with many of the islands in the Lesser Antilles, King Pierre I was unable to acquire Jamaica.   Other nations, such as Oregon and Hawaii, were offically neutral, but offered aid outside of armed forces, including Hawaii offering naval access to Japan.


The American nations had long enjoyed isolation from the affairs of Europe on the global scale. Though the majority of the nationshad gained their independence from European nations, and many had signed the Continental Ordinance, a treaty declaring seperation of affairs between Europe and the Americas. However, the scale of the Great War proved to be too large to ignore, and a meeting was called in the capital of America, calling dignitaries from all of the nations of North and South America.

Public Reaction

Though there was no single consensus, it did have the effect of keeping peace in the region. There was never an American front of the Great War, though many states did have greatly diminished relations because of it. Canada was forced to withdraw from Europe in defeat, and faced protests at home with so many young men dead for no personal gain. King Alfred II of Canada was pressed to sign the Ordinance by America and many of his own ministers, though he still held out. The Prime Minister of Canada eventually resigned in protest.   Oregon managed to escape the ordeal without much distress, though it faced a financial crisis. Haiati largely gained much of what it sought out to achieve, but King Pierre I failed to gain the prize of Jamaica that he sought.   King Edward III, Emperor Augusto I, Queen Gabriela, and King Elias I signed an agreement to keep their respective nations out of the war.
Authoring Date


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