Mirebeau Settlement in Kermoria | World Anvil
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Once a summer and vacation home for the King of Zoluren, Mirebeau was granted autonomy and created as it's own Barony in 221AV, a barony given to Phaedra  for her exemplary service to the monarchy.  She was, thus, created the Baroness Dí Mirebeau.


Though about half the inhabitants of Mirebeau are human, there is a large, and growing, population of halflings who settle along the cozy shores of the lake.  More and more elves and half-elves have begun to call Mirebeau home as they find a place to raise children close to the city, without being so close as to ruin the picturesque views of nature that Mirebeau still provides.


Other than the defenses around the Royal Housing, known as 'Windgarden', the city of Mirebeau had, until 221, no real, established defenses.  It is nestled on the side of a picturesque section of the Lake of Dreams, with no real reason to defend itself from invasion, in the center of the province.  However, after the greenskin invasions and the siege of Rivercrossing in 221, much of Mirebeau, including Windgarden, was sacked.  The Baroness laid plans for a number of permanent defenses to be put into place, as well as began the construction of a Zoluren Expeditionary Force barracks to garrison at least a modicum of troops for defense.
Founding Date
Large town
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