Phaedra Uzim Character in Kermoria | World Anvil
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Phaedra Uzim


Physical Description

Body Features

Slight build, reddish skin.

Facial Features

Phaedra has a round face, with high cheekbones. Her golden eyes usually sparkle with a witty comment or clever idea. Her ears are pointed, not quite as highly as an elf, but further than a normal human. Two red horns extend from her forehead, back over her temples. They are gilded, and the gold tips glint in the sun.

Identifying Characteristics

Horns, and a whiplike tail, with small ridges down the spine.

Apparel & Accessories

Gauzy veils and scarves. Usually dressed in a similar fashion to wealthy cityfolk when on day-to-day errands, but when working or travelling, she prefers the easier Musparan garb of billowing skirts and dresses.

Mental characteristics


Everyone. ;)

Personality Characteristics


Prestidigitation is a wonderful spell, keeps everything clean and fresh! Especially when travelling, when she can't find a reputable bath-house.


Contacts & Relations

Father - Sultan Ahman (unknown) Mother - Concubine Adoptive Parents - Gypsy Mentor - Caravan Traders

Religious Views

Phaedra admits the existence of varied gods/goddesses/deities, but chooses not to worship at their existence herself.

Social Aptitude

Phaedra is streetwise, and intelligent enough to know the right people for a particular job. She knows that you catch more flies with honey, than with vinegar, and knows that a smile might make a guard turn the other way just long enough to go undetected.

Hobbies & Pets

Phaedra has a purse piglet.


Phaedra Uzim


Towards Biljar Uzim


Biljar Uzim


Towards Phaedra Uzim


Phaedra Uzim

Royal Mistress

Towards King Roger Vorclaf III


King Roger Vorclaf III


Towards Phaedra Uzim


Tiefling courtesan.

Character Location
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Chaotic Neutral
Current Location
Year of Birth
197 AV 25 Years old
Circumstances of Death
Which time?
Biljar Uzim (Husband)
Current Residence
Windgarden Keep
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Bitch, I might be." "Ew! Not in the hair!" "Professional."
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
-Infernal -Common -Velaken -Dwarven

219 AV

Hellfire; burning pyres higher than a man could see, blindingly bright, formed a vague gateway into some Abyssal beyond. In the flames, visions of demons, fiends and chaos flickered and danced. The normally calm dunes of the Velaken desert whipped up in a frenzy, the otherworldly flames making them glow a strange crimson colour in the night. From the gateway emerged a figure. The devil lord was twice the size of a normal man, with scarlet eyes, and black horns spiralling from its head. The hellhound at his side slavered and barked, straining at the chains that his master held. His name: Dispater, Master of Politics and Manipulation. ~~~~~~ Ahman asu Hoshkamin am'Jardir am'Kaji, the most Excellent Sultan of the Muspari, had never cowered before anything in his life before, and had not planned on starting tonight. He had been chosen by the gypsies, by the dice and the cards, to lead his people, with honour, and strength, and prosperity. His feats preceded him into the trials, but only divine assistance could have made sure that he was truly undisputed. Years ago, when the last Sultan had died, the gypsies cast out amongst the tribes, scrying for a suitable man to ascend to the throne of the Desert Jewel. En route to meet the sect of women who could predict his destiny, he stumbled about a sect of the cult of Dispater. In the maze of caverns carved into the stones, he beseeched them to call upon their master, and give him the information he needed to undermine his competitors, and the power he needed to claim what he considered to be his rightful place on the throne. A contract was negotiated, and signed in blood, with Ahman promising payment in full upon ascension to the throne. Ahman became the Undisputed, the Sultan of the Muspari, a powerful and wealthy figurehead of the tribes. His harem grew to incorporate beautiful women from both in the city and of the nomadic tribes, but as the years went by, some of his people started to wonder why no heirs had been produced, what with all the women living in the palace. But Ahman was not a foolish man. He used every natural contraceptive, and some magic tonics, to make sure that none of his harem produced an heir. For in exchange for his throne, Dispater required a soul in return. The servitude of Ahman's first-born child. Dispater came to his cultists in a vision, showing them how to replace the necessary herbs in the palace with ones with no effect. Within months, news spread like wildfire that one of the women in the Sultan's harem was with child. Ahman was enraged, and sent for the gypsies to attend him in Muspari. There, they scryed, and foretold of Dispater collecting on the soul he was owed. Nine months later, the concubine gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, and the palace rejoiced. Days went by, and Ahman began to relax, having no sign from the devil. Until this night. ~~~~~~ Dispater merely stared at the cowering man, generally unimpressed. "You know what is owed, human. Your long and prosperous reign, for a soul." Back in the palace nursery, the baby suddenly cried out in agony. Horns sprouted from her unmarked head, and a tail grew where there previously was unblemished skin. Her tanned skin, a mark of unbroken Velaken heritage, turned redder, until she was unmistakably something new; a tiefling now lay where the human baby was. "If you came here to bargain, don't bother. What has been owed, has been taken. I hope it was worth it, Your Highness" Dispater's voice echoed throughout the dunes, the mocking tone cutting Ahman to the core. He stood agape as the Lord of Dis left through the same portal he had emerged from, refusing the Sultan a chance to speak. This disrespect did not go unnoticed, and Ahman glared at the retreating devil. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Unbeknownst to the Sultan, one of his other concubines secreted the babe away into the night, and given to a maidservant sworn to secrecy. Armed with a not much more than a purse of gold, Inanc's only instructions were to get the babe as far away from the desert as possible, and with haste, as the Sultan would soon stop at nothing to make sure that the babe, now a monstrosity in his eyes, was dead. Babe in tow, Inanc bought passage across the desert, and then further and further away from the desert. The gold lasted until they had made it nearly to River Crossing, where Inanc made to place the girl in an orphanage. She had heard whispers in the town of a place called Thornhill House, where there was a home for any women or girls willing to dedicate their lives in service of their goddess, Periel.   Phaedra was raised in Thornhill, with Inanc serving as a maid in the home, staying close to make sure the babe knew her heritage. Dedicated at a young age, Phaedra showed promise as a full Sister, inquisitive and sharp. She honed her mind as well as her body, and recently became dedicated into the more elusive sect of the Sisterhood.


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