Lantern's Rest Settlement in Kermoria | World Anvil
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Lantern's Rest

Located at the northern edge of the Barony of Mirebeau, Lantern's Rest was once an important hilltop waystation for traders and merchants which fell into disrepair between the Draconic Age and the beginning of the Lyras wars.  Though it still sees use as a refuge for travelers within the edges of the Danduwen Forest, much of the trade which once passed through this defensible hilltop now utilizes the northern trade road, bypassing the Barony of Mirebeau.  It is one of many of the Ruins of the Draconic Age who's original purpose can only be speculated upon.


A tall hill with only two traversable paths made defending the trade settlement far easier than defending an open bazaar.  Combined with state-of-the-art (for their time) walls and arches, Lantern's Rest was designed to provide decent security for merchants and caravans from both land- and airborne threats, including the possibility of a dragon or other airborne wyrm.

While no settlement will last forever against the breath of a wyrm, Lantern's Rest was designed to allow it's occupants as much cover as possible until the dragon grew bored or they could flee through any of the (many) underground passages which led into the surrounding meadows.

Industry & Trade

While in use, Lantern's Rest saw dozens of trade caravans pass through each week, and several small trading clans even (briefly) called it home, setting up a makeshift bazaar to peddle their wares before departing to greener pastures.  Wines, oils, clay pots and cookware, metals from the Himhineldar Shel Mountain Range, even timber and leather goods from deep within the Danduwen Forest have been discovered amongst the ruins.

Points of interest

The hill itself is riddled with subterranean passages, many of which were designed as hidden exits into the various valleys and meadows beyond; however, of the dozen or so that've been discovered, only four remain in useable condition, the rest having fallen into disarray and collapsed upon themselves over the centuries.

Beneath the hill also lies a large complex that historians believe was used as a makeshift hostel, providing a place to rest for the travelers.  Attached to this complex is a small catacomb and burial ground containing bodies of several races, including human, elf, dwarf, and even some goliaths.

According to many of the myths about Lantern's Rest (and there are many), these catacombs and tunnel systems are haunted by troves of specters, the spirits of those who's bodies lay interred within the hill.

Approximately 300BD

Founding Date
Unknown, but it is suspected to've been near the end of The Old World
Alternative Name(s)
Ruined Hill
Outpost / Base
Location under
Additional Rulers/Owners
Ruling/Owning Rank


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