Hegarangi Expanse Geographic Location in Kermoria | World Anvil
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Hegarangi Expanse (Heg-a-RANG-ee)

A vast tract of land separating the Faldesu River from the Zaulfung Swamp, the Hegarangi expanse is a massive area of brackwater, brine, and unique ecological creatures not found anywhere else in Kermoria.


Small isthmus and penninsulas dot the countryside along the northern border of the Faldesu River, separating the river from a number of tidal pools and brackwater lakes of varying sizes. Wind speed and direction, as well as the tidal pull, causes drastic variations within the depths of these pools, from ankle-deep springs to bathing pools and perhaps even deeper in some places.


The Expanse is a unique ecosystem unto itself, with a number of species not found anywhere else.  As salt water from the Reshal Sea comes in with the tides, it is not-entirely washed away by the incoming fresh water from the mountain sourced Faldesu River, creating not-fresh, not-salted pools that support unique and varied wildlife.  This includes several species of starfish which are able to exit the water for short periods and climb across the rocks to other pools, as well as a blue-tinged octopus with the same ability, neither of which are found anywhere else.

The bottoms of these pools feature varied forms of algae, many of which are sought by alchemists and herbalists for their medicinal or alchemical purposes; indeed, a somewhat rare, yellowish, lichen-like algae known as Troll's Tongue can only be found here.  It is aptly named, and is used as a substitute for troll's blood in many of the more potent healing and regeneration potions found on the shelves of alchemists.

Fauna & Flora

There are a large number of animals unique to the expanse, and cataloguing them has been an ongoing project for the Royal Society for the Exploration of the Natural and Physical World, spearheaded by Victoria Pendrake.  However, a number of these species are extremely dangerous and/or territorial, making this process a long, arduous, and very dangerous one.

The apex predator within the waters of the Expanse are a pair of crocodilian species, the Blue-Belly Crocodile and it's larger, though more rare cousin, the Saltwater Crocodile, both ambush predators that prefer dusk or nighttime hunting, and come ashore to bask in the warmth of the sun.

Once on dry(ish) land, the dangers do not cease, as the Expanse is home to several species of snake, most notably the extremely venomous Hegarangi Viper.  Though small in size, this viper packs quite a wallop, and can kill a full-grown goliath with a single bite in under an hour.

As with any wet and watery area, the foliage is home to a number of amphibian species, including the most poisonous creature ever catalogued by the Royal Society, the Three-Toed Arrow Frog, a colorful frog species that exudes a toxin from it's pores that is so dangerous, a single drop in a full waterskin can have a full-grown Loxodon vomiting for hours.

Natural Resources

Aside from the mosses and algae which grow in the Expanse, there is little natural resource to harvest that can not be found in other, less dangerous places.  The Expanse lies on the edge of the Zaulfung Forest, so timber and lumber are far easier to find elsewhere.  Due to the dangers of the wildlife, and the unpredictable nature of the pools and the tides, much of the resources of this area, such as they are, remain untapped or undiscovered.


Aside from herbalists, alchemists, and the occasional trapper or hunter, very few people travel to the Expanse; the wildlife is dangerous, territorial, and unforgiving.  There is no place to settle a town or village along the soft, wet earth, and no reason to attempt to traverse the land which can be (and is) bypassed through the Zaulfung Forest or waterborne via the Faldesu River.
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