Faldesu River Geographic Location in Kermoria | World Anvil
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Faldesu River


Running from it's source-lake(s) in the Gemfire Mountains to the west as well as the Jantspyre River  to the north, the roaring Faldesu River empties far to the east, in the Reshal Sea.


The Faldesu supports almost all life in Therengia, in one manner or another.  It's mighty banks swell every year, providing ample farmland for the many villages along it's banks, as well as the sprawling city of Riverhaven built on it's shores.  A booming fishing industry from it's waters, as well as those from Lake Gwenalion , allow the residents of the province a much healthier and enriched diet.

Fauna & Flora

Muddy banks surround the river for most of it's length, tho, as it runs south of the Zaulfung swamp, the waters become far murkier and swampland grows on either bank.  This area is prone to crocodile attack, and is home to many saurian species.

Elsewhere, the river is teeming with life; seals gather in the estuaries near the Reshal sea, and can be seen near the boat docks of Riverhaven.  Fish of all sizes swim it's length, some species exceeding the weight of a full grown man!


The river itself isn't much of an attraction to tourists, however, many merchant vessels can be seen traversing up and down it's waterways.  It also serves as a natural  barrier between Zoluren and Therengia, though the official, treaty-agreed provincial line is several miles to the south.  Travelers must cross it's rushing waters before moving between provinces, so many tourists see the river, whether it's the attraction they came here for or not.
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