Riverhaven Settlement in Kermoria | World Anvil
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Riverhaven, a bustling and diverse city, is a prominent settlement located in the province of Therengia on the mainland of Kermoria. Its character is shaped by the convergence of various races, religions, and creeds. Humans, elves, dwarves, ogres, and more can be found working together, as the city values individual merit over birthright. Controlled by Emperor Blaine Gifford, Riverhaven's daily affairs are administered by a Lizardfolk governor known as Mim'saa, rumored to have been a pirate in the past.

The city boasts formidable defenses with sturdy stone walls, lookout towers, and a complex chain system protecting its river inlets. Riverhaven's bustling docks, surrounded by numerous industries and farms, cater to the fishing and shipping trades that drive its economy. As a hub for different guilds, the city accommodates the Fisherman's Guild, the Whaler's Guild, artisan guilds, and the Monstrosity's Menagerie, a guild of hunters and explorers.

Riverhaven is not only an industrial center but a popular destination for tourists exploring the broader Therengia region, making it a rich tapestry of cultures and activities.


Riverhaven boasts a remarkable diversity of inhabitants, with its demographics reflecting a harmonious blend of races, religions, and beliefs drawn from across the realms of Kermoria. This vibrant city welcomes residents and workers of every race, including elves, humans, dwarves, ogres, and more. The city's residents find common ground in their dedication to work and meritocracy, regardless of their birth race.

While humans form a significant portion of the population, Riverhaven is defined by its remarkable lack of class divisions based on racial backgrounds. Inhabitants acknowledge that one's position in society is determined by their work ethic and achievements rather than their race. This unique harmony encourages cooperation and a sense of community among the city's diverse population.

  It is this unity in diversity that has made Riverhaven a model of inclusion and collaboration among the peoples of Kermoria. With each race contributing their skills and perspectives, the city thrives as a testament to the potential of a multicultural society. Riverhaven is a place where the common thread of hard work binds its inhabitants, transcending racial boundaries to create a truly cosmopolitan experience.


Riverhaven operates as a part of the Therengia province, and its governance reflects a unique system where the city sways under the rule of Emperor Gifford. While Emperor Gifford bears the title of ruler, the city's daily administration is overseen by a Lizardfolk governor named Mim'saa. Interestingly, rumors circulate that Governor Mim'saa was once a pirate hailing from the distant shores of Qi'Reshalia, adding a sense of mystique to her background.

This governance structure aims to ensure the city's orderly operation while preserving its sense of autonomy within the broader realm of Therengia. With Emperor Gifford and Governor Mim'saa overseeing its affairs, Riverhaven enjoys both regional independence and the benefits of being part of a larger empire.


Riverhaven, although a bustling hub of trade and culture, is by no means defenseless. The city takes its security seriously, maintaining a range of defenses to protect its residents and assets.

The city is encircled by stout stone walls that were erected more than a century ago. Although they have weathered the test of time admirably, they no longer encompass the entirety of the city. Approximately 10% of the permanent population resides or works outside the protective walls, and this partial exclusion has implications for the city's security measures.

Within these formidable stone walls, numerous large towers are strategically positioned at irregular intervals. These towers provide vigilant lookouts who scan both the land and sea for any signs of trouble, especially the threat of pirates, a persistent concern in Riverhaven.

The Faldesu River inlets are crucial access points for the city and its ongoing prosperity. To guard against potential incursions, the city has a complex system in place. Underneath the waterline, a massive chain is suspended. When required, workers can activate large cranks to raise this colossal chain from the depths. This formidable underwater barrier effectively blocks passage to any ship that attempts to navigate the river. As a result, any vessel attempting to breach the chain risks losing its mast and forecastle. While not a flawless defense, the chain is a potent deterrent against piracy within Riverhaven's waters.

The defenses of Riverhaven are a testament to the city's commitment to safeguarding its residents, resources, and assets. These measures are a vital component of the city's ongoing success, ensuring that Riverhaven remains a safe and prosperous enclave in Therengia.


Riverhaven's infrastructure is predominantly centered around and tailored to support its fishing and shipping industries, which are vital to the city's livelihood. A labyrinthine network of cranes, cartways, salt yards, and smokehouses sprawls across the landscape near the city's waterways, demonstrating the city's robust maritime focus. Farther inland, the cityscape is stained black by the presence of immense coal forges and smelteries, which contribute to the pervasive atmosphere of soot and smoke that hangs over the city's streets and skyways. Here, imported iron ore and coal are meticulously processed to serve the city's industrial needs.

Stretching along the banks of the Faldesu River in nearly every direction, where docks do not occupy the riverfront, you'll find a variety of farming plots. The citizens make the most of every available inch of fertile floodplain. North of the city, before vanishing into the Zaulfung Forest, lie numerous extensive farming communities. These agricultural hubs provide essential sustenance in the form of food and meat for the city's inhabitants, particularly during the harsh winter months when lakes and rivers freeze over. Riverhaven's efficient utilization of its resources, from its waterways to the fertile land surrounding the city, is a testament to its resilience and adaptability.


Riverhaven, the bustling and diverse heart of Therengia, is a city that thrives on the vitality and vibrancy of its districts, each a living testament to the resilience and determination of its inhabitants. Within this sprawling metropolis, you'll discover the unique character of every district, offering a mosaic of life experiences and environments that beckon exploration.

The Residential District of Riverhaven, characterized by an intricate grid of cobblestone streets and boulevards, stands as a testament to the city's diversity. Here, a harmonious blend of races and creeds has made a home, and there's no class divide based on birthright. Instead, Riverhaven values the sweat on your brow and the sincerity in your heart. The district's homes, a mix of wood and stone structures, reflect the eclectic taste of the city's residents. These houses, though diverse, share a common thread of hard work and ambition. The streets in this district are wide and clean, adorned with numerous parks and gardens where residents can find respite and rejuvenation.

As the heart of trade and commerce in Riverhaven, the Market District bustles with a dizzying array of goods, people, and opportunities. The market itself is a vibrant hub, where the city's merchants and craftsmen gather daily to showcase their wares. You can find almost anything in the Market District, from exotic foods and fine clothing to exquisite jewelry. The district is also home to countless shops and stalls offering an eclectic assortment of merchandise. The energy of the market is palpable, attracting residents and visitors alike, fostering connections, and promoting economic growth.

Riverhaven's Religious District is the spiritual heart of the city, marked by magnificent temples and shrines dedicated to various Elven gods. The most awe-inspiring among them is the Temple of the Stars, a testament to the city's devotion to the goddess of the night sky. Each temple and shrine offers a serene sanctuary where individuals can seek solace, guidance, and connection with the divine. The faithful congregate daily to pay their respects and offer prayers. The Religious District embodies the city's commitment to harmony and spiritual well-being, emphasizing the values of compassion and introspection.

Riverhaven's Civic District is the epicenter of governance and administration. It houses the city hall, courthouse, and other key administrative buildings. This district is where the city's destiny is shaped, and the community's governance ensures fairness and justice for all. The various edifices stand as symbols of authority and law, advocating for the principles of democracy and fairness. The Civic District serves as a stark reminder of the importance of just governance in a thriving city. Amidst the city's districts, the blending of industrial and residential zones is a distinctive feature. Many residents live and work within the city's walls, and their lives are tightly intertwined with the bustling docks and factories. This integration adds to the vitality of Riverhaven, where every citizen plays a role in the city's industrious heartbeat. The city's dockyard complexes, often covered in soot and echoing with the clang of hammers and the hiss of steam, define the landscape in the vicinity of its waterways. With an aura of determined resilience, Riverhaven demonstrates how a city can thrive through hard work, unwavering dedication, and a deep sense of community.

Riverhaven is not only a hub for commerce and industry; it's also home to the renowned Hunter's Guild known as the Monstrosity's Menagerie. This loosely organized guild brings together trophy hunters, monster slayers, and explorers under its banner. These courageous individuals dedicate their lives to protecting the city and its residents from the many threats that lurk beyond its walls. The Monstrosity's Menagerie is a vital part of Riverhaven's culture, and its members are revered for their courage and commitment to safeguarding the city.

Riverhaven, with its diverse districts, dynamic trade, and unwavering spirit, is a vibrant example of what a city can achieve when its people work together with a shared vision. As you traverse its streets, engage with its residents, and explore its districts, you'll uncover a world of opportunities, experiences, and above all, a thriving community that values hard work and unity.


  • Riverhaven
Founding Date
Circa 305 BD
Alternative Name(s)
Approximately 500,000
Ruling/Owning Rank
Characters in Location

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