Gorran Institute Building / Landmark in Kermoria | World Anvil
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Gorran Institute

Known throughout all of Kermoria as the finest school of weaponmasters in the world, Gorran has an attrition rate of over 70%, and of those 70%, nearly half are due to the death of the student, and not simply to failure.

After the siege of Rivercrossing in 221, much of Gorran Institute was destroyed; reconstruction efforts are underway, and are expected to be completed sometime in 223.

Purpose / Function

Built some 60 years ago as a training academy for militia officers, Gorran's numbers quickly grew, as more and more warriors from across Kermoria joined the school.  In modern times, Gorran has become the premier training academy for weapons of all makes and sizes, ranging from swordmasters, generic blademasters, and even some of the finest spearmen ever produced.
Founding Date
Alternative Names
Gorran, Gorran Academy
University / Educational complex
Parent Location
Ruling/Owning Rank


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