Crimson Petal Building / Landmark in Kermoria | World Anvil
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Crimson Petal

Casino.  Gambling Hall.  Brothel.  Whorehouse.  The Crimson Petal is all these things, yet so very much more.  Quench your thirst,  pleasure the flesh, spend your coin, but do it within the most grandiose of halls, surrounded by some of the most beautiful women in all of Kermoria.

Purpose / Function

A place to tease all your pleasures, the Crimson Petal is the largest (legal) gambling hall in Zoluren, dwarfed only by a few of the massive complexes on the Isle of Ratha.  Even with it's enormous size, it is still more-than grandiose; marble staircases with gold-inlaid hand rails, tables made of imported granite and covered with the finest felts, imported teak and darkwood bars and chairs.

And, of course, the finest and often most exotic young ladies for...whatever suits your fancy, in the large upstairs area.


With it's Grand Staircase in the center of the gambling floor, guests are often tempted to visit the second story; however, a red velvet rope, and two very burly Orc guards, Vladimir and Irusk, stand watch over the stairwell, stopping anyone who is not explicitly allowed upstairs from utilizing it.  The upstairs area is reserved for the young ladies and their...guests, both of whom receive the utmost respect and privacy during their appointments.


Visitors to the Crimson Petal spend a significant sum (it is said to be nearly 15 gold Kronars!) to enter the Petal, and this does not earn you any tokens for the tables, nor drinks or favors with the ladies. And yet, thousands of visitors flock to it's halls on a weekly basis, and, according to Ramala, in 220, the Petal saw more than a million visitors within it's marble halls.
by DALL-E [AI]
Founding Date
Brothel / Whorehouse
Parent Location


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