Dun Grassi Hill Building / Landmark in Kermoria | World Anvil
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Dun Grassi Hill

Family owned until 27AV, Dun Grassi Hill stands as the largest crypt and tomb system in all of River Crossing . Lower income citizens, especially those who's bodies lay unclaimed, are often buried here en masse.

Purpose / Function

Originally set on hill overlooking the Dun Grassi family farmland, it was abandoned as their family crypt when the last member died in 27AV. With no claimaints to the land, the city of River Crossing took ownership of the land, parceling the farmland at auction but maintaining the hill as a graveyard, expanding it into a public place in 39AV. Since then, hundreds if not thousands of lower-income citizens have been buried there by the city, often without even knowing their names. Many gravesites are merely labeled 'Halfling Male' and things of that nature.


Hundreds of families have made attempts to build crypts for their loved ones, only to find that the original owners, the Dun Grassi, did just that; digging down beneath a plot will lead you into an absolutely massive, twisting maze of catacombs, mostly unused, that researchers have as-of-yet found no purpose for, as the Dun Grassi family was generally only a few children per generation.


Very few people visit Dun Grassi, unless they are paying respects to a loved one.  A darkness lies over it, and mists seemingly rise from nowhere every night to shroud the entire area in a thick, still fog.  

Even still, brave adventurers often wander into the catacombs and crypts to ward off the ever-growing presence of evil within them, fighting back the undead monsters and foul creatures that exist in the dark places of the world.

Or so the legends say.
Founding Date
Alternative Names
Dun Grassi
Parent Location
Ruling/Owning Rank
Characters in Location


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