Drakweald Forest Geographic Location in Kermoria | World Anvil
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Drakweald Forest

Deriving it's name from a mixture of several languages, the Drakweald Forest covers the majority of western Therengia, nearly all of the territory west of the Jantspyre River and north-north-west of Lake Gwenalion.  The capital city of Therenborough lies well within it's boughs, as does the trapping community of Langenfirth.


The Drakweald covers nearly 40% of the entirety of the land area of Therengia, and the area is dominated by coniferous forests, particularly spruce, interspersed with vast wetlands, mostly bogs and fens.  With more than ten million acres of forest-land, it stretches across the majority of the land, touching the Gemfire Mountains to the west, and stretching northwards to the coastline of the Land of Giants along the northern border of the Zaulfung Forest.

Ecosystem Cycles

The northern borders of the Drakweald are far more a taiga than a boreal forest, as the area sees a considerable amount more snow and ice, along with deeply freezing temperatures, than the southern portions.  Despite this, the Drakweald sees four distinct seasons, with the spring-time meltwater, combined with localized rainfall, allowing for a significant amount of flooding; when the floodwaters recede, new life begins, as nutrient-rich soil is carried into an innumerable amount of lakes, estuaries, small rivers, bogs, fens,

Fauna & Flora

There may be as many as five billion landbirds, including resident and migratory species. The Therengian boreal region contains the largest area of wetlands of any ecosystem of the world, serving as breeding ground for over 12 million waterbirds and millions of land birds, the latter including species as diverse as vultures, hawks, grouse, owls, hummingbirds, kingfishers, and woodpeckers. It is estimated that the avian population of the boreal represents 60% of the landbirds in all of Therengia and almost 30% of all landbirds in the provinces of Zoluren and Therengia combined.

Natural Resources

Besides the obvious logging industry, which accounts for nearly 30% of all the employment within the city of Therenborough, the Drakweald is used as a hunting ground for trappers, furriers and fishers in every corner; the entire town of Langenfirth was developed solely to capitalize on the resources of the Drakweald and the surrounding rivers and lakes.


The richness of the forest, as well as it's sprawling geography, has created a unique home for a number of dragons over the millenia; a number who chased off rivals or even killed them for territory.  The northern taiga areas are said to be inhabited by a number of young white dragons, as well as a few particularly cruel greens.  The southern edges of the forest are an ideal hunting ground for a multitude of other green dragons, and several of the fens and bog areas make excellent dens and lairs for younger black dragons wishing to hide from the horrors of Jomag, Vortex Awoken living in the Zaulfung Swamp.

These reports are, of course, speculative, as the Emperor has placed a significant bounty on the hides of Dragons since 221, and several bounties have been paid out.

In pre-history, during The Old World, the Drakweald was the savage homeland of the fierce warriors from tribes known as 'Thuringians', ferocious berserker warriors.  It is not known what happened to these peoples, but it is assumed they were destroyed or scattered by the world dragon and his agents during the Draconic Age, only to once again reform as the new, free Therengian peoples.
Alternative Name(s)
The Dragon Forest, The Deep Forest
Forest, Boreal (Coniferous)
Ruling/Owning Rank

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