Langenfirth Settlement in Kermoria | World Anvil
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The majority of the permanent inhabitants of Langenfirth tend towards the upper-poor to lower-middle class range; working families who live as farmers, merchants, trappers, furriers, woodsmen, laborers and hunters.  There is a small community of well-off individuals, wealthy plantation owners, but it is a comparatively smaller segment of the populace.

No specific race has any real claim to Langenfirth, as it's populace is fairly widespread and diverse.  After the signing of the Elven Exclusion Act in 218AV, the number of Elves living in Langenfirth has significantly decreased, but there is still a noticeable presence in all trades and walks of life in the Firth.


Though there is a formal system of governance in place, with an elected mayor and a small city council, Langenfirth mostly self-governs.  The sprawling nature of the settlement means that, from the coastline to the westward reaches is nearly a day and a half's walk; nearly impossible to govern efficiently.  Justice is typically served via a group of rangers and hunters tracking down those responsible for crimes and, more often than not, taking a hand or hanging them should the crime be severe enough.  Though certainly not lawless, Langenfirth is a difficult area to enforce the Baron's laws with any real degree of success.


Since there is no true, formal city center for Langenfirth, there are no organized stationary defenses.  Individual farms and buildings tend to have walls or fences to keep animals out, though the farther westward areas tend to feature large walls and watchtowers on hills, keeping an eye out for the ever-present orc and goblin raids from the forest and hills to the west.

That is not to say that the areas of Langenfirth are completely undefended; living in such a harsh area has taught many of the townsfolk to wield a weapon, even if it were a simple spear.  Most of the inhabitants can be mustered into a makeshift militia in just a few hours, standing at the ready to fight fires or ward off invaders.


The majority of the Firth is dedicated to raw material manufacturing and processing; massive lumber mill complexes for harvesting and processing the bounty of wood before shipping it across Lake Gwenalion or northward to Therenborough via the Trade Road dot the landscape, as well as a number of farms and supporting structures. 

Along the lakeshore, massive fisheries exist, wharfs harboring hundreds of vessels making thousands of trips each year to harvest the bounty of the lake, as well as delving far eastward, down the Faldesu River and out into the Reshal Sea beyond.

The lake's bounties don't end simply with fisheries, as the lakeshore itself is home to hundreds of trapping camps, set up wherever beaver, mink, or other animals may roam.
Founding Date
Circa 200AV
Alternative Name(s)
Lang, The Firth
Approximately 100,000, fluctuating drastically by season
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank

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