Rossman's Landing Settlement in Kermoria | World Anvil
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Rossman's Landing

Nestled at the mouth of the mighty Jantspyre River in the heart of the Nordreik, Rossman's Landing is a town born of the river's embrace and the ancient forests that envelop it. Founded over a century ago, its history is as deep and timeless as the waters that flow through it. Though the passage of time has worn away the echoes of its origins, Rossman's Landing remains a place of unique significance in the Nordreik, where the river meets the land and civilization entwines with wilderness.

With the Jantspyre River as its lifeblood, this small port town has long served as a hub for the region's maritime endeavors. Fishermen cast their nets into the river's rushing waters, yielding bountiful catches that sustain the townsfolk and find their way to far-off markets. The river's waters have also birthed a shipyard, where vessels of various sizes, from small fishing boats to mighty trade ships, find their beginnings. But Rossman's Landing is not solely defined by its connection to the river; it is also a pivotal player in the Nordreik's vital logging industry. Timber harvested from the towering Drakweald Forest and the distant Land of Giants travels downriver aboard flatbed barges to meet the sawmills and crafters who turn the forest's gifts into tools, shelter, and the heart of the Nordreik's commerce.

Yet, Rossman's Landing isn't merely a place where commerce thrives. It stands as a testament to the resilience and determination of the Nordreik's people, who have carved their livelihood from the land's rugged embrace. With a palisade wall for defense and a modest force of soldiers, it stands as a guardian of the land, ready to protect the town and its residents from whatever challenges come their way. It's a place where the ancient wilderness meets civilization, a junction of the Nordreik's past, present, and future.
Founding Date
Trade post
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank


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