Astrocyan Realm #34 Geographic Location in Kantostara | World Anvil

Astrocyan Realm #34 (Astro-sigh-ahn)

I don't know the rules of this place, but I do know that I feel like I've just dropped acid and stepped through the looking glass on a wild trip. Is any of this real? Have I lost my mind or have I simply transcended the need for rational thought? Either way, there's nothing to do now but put some flowers in my hair and just roll with it. Flowers. Yeah, that sounds good. I'll just sit here painting psychedelic daisies on the walls, but there are no walls. Nothing separating anything from everything. All is one here, dissolving, melting, fluidly flowing into the never-ending ocean of beingness. There is no me. There is no you. Just wave after wave of we surfing the great cosmic dreamscape of love. Groovy.  


  Nothing is actually known about the geography, ecology or natives of this realm, or any of the Astrocyan Realms for that matter, since they have yet to be explored. They are located in pocket dimensions that are not easily accessable. There are portals along the Synaptical Routes that lead to these realms, but a very special key is needed to pass through, and once there, it is easy to become lost, wandering for ages if not all of eternity. All we really know is that the laws of physics common to Kantostara do not apply here.   Astrocyan Realm #34 is ruled by Bliss At One the Mystic Rose, who is one of the Singers of Songs who once traveled to our realm and walked among the people of Kantostara for a time. This is how she described her realm, "Mine is a realm of transcendent ideal reality, of imagination and illusion, representing the ocean of consciousness that dissolves all boundaries between self and other. It is a place where concrete reality and free-flowing consciousness seem to exist simultaneously without distinction. It is madness and mysticism, a kind of paradise, held within the oceanic womb, longing to connect with whatever it touches. Here structures are constantly dissolving to bring all things back into an undifferentiated at-onement."
Bliss At One the Mystic Rose by Alex the Creatrix
Dimensional, Pocket
Location under
Characters in Location

Cover image: Kantostara by Alex the Creatrix


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