Astrocyan Realm #13 Geographic Location in Kantostara | World Anvil

Astrocyan Realm #13 (Astro-sigh-ahn)

I don't know the rules of this place, but I do know that it spirals out in all directions. There is no beginning and no ending. Where do I jump in? Does it even matter? Can I direct the flow once I'm in it? Am I even sure that I want to enter? It's likely that I won't be able to find my way back to my entry point so I may become lost, forever spiraling around and around. Is that what happened to my soul? Spiraling for millennia? Interesting. This is a point of choosing. Standing at the threshold separating the wheat from the chaff. The caterpillar must die so that the butterfly can be born, but isn't that the Master Alchemist's realm? Maybe this is the realm where the caterpillar chooses whether or not to enter the chrysalis. Maybe the imaginal cells are actually the subatomic particles who live here.  


  Nothing is actually known about the geography, ecology or natives of this realm, or any of the Astrocyan Realms for that matter, since they have yet to be explored. They are located in pocket dimensions that are not easily accessable. There are portals along the Synaptical Routes that lead to these realms, but a very special key is needed to pass through, and once there, it is easy to become lost, wandering for ages if not all of eternity. All we really know is that the laws of physics common to Kantostara do not apply here.   Astrocyan Realm #13 is ruled by Lord Senex the Guardian of the Threshold, who is one of the Singers of Songs who once traveled to our realm and walked among the people of Kantostara for a time. This is how he described his realm, "Mine is the realm that separates the world of thought and spirit from that of form and tangibility creating a sort of bubble within which the world of reality must reside. It represents the visual limit, dividing the visible from the invisible. It binds us to life and reminds us of the importance of form. It is what makes us real. It is the skeletal structure and foundation of all things, without which there would be no form, no stability, no supporting frame or solidity. It is the matrix of all things that allows for the possibility of manifestation."
Lord Senex the Guardian of the Threshold by Alex the Creatrix
Dimensional, Pocket
Location under
Characters in Location

Cover image: Kantostara by Alex the Creatrix


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