Astrocyan Realm #1 Geographic Location in Kantostara | World Anvil

Astrocyan Realm #1 (Astro-sigh-ahn)

I don't know the rules of this place, but I do know that every part of it radiates with a warm golden light. The essence of the eternal I dwells here. Who do I think I am? The never-ending question is suspended in the light that illuminates a different answer with each passing moment. It's as though I'm standing at the very center of gravity that weaves me into the fabric of life even as I shine forth through all space and time willing myself into an existence so unique that it will never be seen again. This is the star by which I steer my tall ship from lifetime to lifetime shining brightly throughout all of eternity.  


  Nothing is actually known about the geography, ecology or natives of this realm, or any of the Astrocyan Realms for that matter, since they have yet to be explored. They are located in pocket dimensions that are not easily accessable. There are portals along the Synaptical Routes that lead to these realms, but a very special key is needed to pass through, and once there, it is easy to become lost, wandering for ages if not all of eternity. All we really know is that the laws of physics common to Kantostara do not apply here.   Astrocyan Realm #1 is ruled by Heliojem the Commander of Illumination, who is one of the Singers of Songs who once traveled to our realm and walked among the people of Kantostara for a time. This is how he described his realm, "Mine is a realm of ego, identity, the center of autonomy willing oneself toward self-directed self-expression. It is conscious awareness and energy on overdrive, drawing from all other sources to be channeled into the great I. Here we are driven to achieve self manifestation, to shine forth for all to see."
Heliojem the Commander of Illumination by Alex the Creatrix
Dimensional, Pocket
Location under

Cover image: Kantostara by Alex the Creatrix


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