Tanks Technology / Science in Kalin | World Anvil


A new invention by Atresa, tanks are the Atresan answer to the Knights of Virnos.   Massive, armed with arcane and gunpowder cannons, and generally impervious to all but the mightiest munitions and magics, Tanks have proven to be a game changer for Atresa and have played an important role in the Third Virnosian War.   The production of Tanks has continued as the years have passed, and in 773 2A a new class of tanks called the Lastimora Class were unveiled, being smaller than the original creation but having much more flexibility and ease of production.
Access & Availability
Exact numbers are unclear, but it is estimated that only 40-50 of the original tank design exist and they are all carefully watched and utilized by the Atresan government.   The new Lastimora Class, being smaller and easier to produce, is estimated to have about 70 working vehicles.
Tanks were created by a defected Technomancer, and were eventually co-opted by Tutiro Cam who unveiled them at the Primor elections to help him win election.