Marethil Character in Kaevil | World Anvil
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Marethil was a woman of House Greendale most famed for her courage during the Troll Rise    Her husband was Morthin, the lord of Meddlain - an island county of Greendale off the south-western point.
During the conflicts with the Trolls on the mainland, Morthin went to war with his forces sailing from Meddlain in 512 to join the warriors of Greendale against the inhuman foe.   It had not been suspected that the foul enemy's reach would extend even so far as the isle of Meddlain but reach it did.   A single Troll rose in the highlands of the island and with him came a force of Trollkin who assailed the settlements of the island.   Lady Marethil took command of the garrison there and did not shirk her duty, donning armour and standing alongside the remaining garrison through a long winter siege and constant incursions by the Trollkin.   Messages of the peril on Meddlain reached Lord Morthin who was given leave to take his force home.   With a hopeless heart he returned to Meddlain expecting to find it laid waste and to have to avenge his wife and his people.    Instead he found his keep part-ruined but still standing and his wife Marethil waiting to greet him with her sworn warriors around her and an apology that has become a proverb in Greendale   
I have had no time to prepare a meal, nor fill your cup for I had other guests demanding food, but they were ill-mannered so I slew them
483 AS 565 AS 82 years old
Place of Death
Aligned Organization


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