Duke Orlind Character in Kaevil | World Anvil
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Duke Orlind

The current Duke of House Caervil started his reign in turmoil.   His father Kenlin, Duke of Caervil died of a sudden seizure in his 31st year. It was expected that his brother Renemorn would take the Ducal position, but Kenlin's wife Marellin, Duchess of Caervil who was pregnant with her husband's child produced a son, and documents bearing the previous Duke's seal declaring her to be the nominated regent until the boy was of age.

Renemorn contested the regency vehemently but Marellin was dauntless and with the support of the Eagle-Helms she won the day. Renemorn was banished to his castle in the north of Caervil and forbidden from returning to court until he swore alliegiance to the infant Orlind.

This he refused to do and he began to seek support among other noble families of House Caervil. He had reckoned without Marellin's skills at intrigue however and her spies kept her informed of his plotting. At one clandestine meeting in his own halls, the three noblemen who he had trusted as his inner-circle of conspirators all revealed their true allegiance and once he had made clear his ambitions one of them opened a door to reveal Marellin, Duchess of Caervil and two men of the Eagle-Helms. Convicted of treason by his own words and in front of witnesses, Renemorn was arrested and died a traitor's death in the central square of Novryk.

During his youth, while his mother was still regent, Orlind was lost for almost a month and a half following an expedition with some of his warriors, during which a storm of supernatural ferocity drove the company asunder. Several of the warriors were slain, others reported that they had become lost in the heart of the woodland where their training expedition had taken them. Many searched the woodland in vain for the missing Duke but no trace was found. His mother, the Regent, refused to accept that he was lost and resisted (very firmly and at great cost) all attempts to name a successor. Her faith was well-founded as the young man returned from his sojourn in the wild woods, a wiser and more assured young man.

  Marellin remained as regent for her son until the boy came of age at eighteen years old, and his investiture as Duke took place on the same day as his marriage to Lyaris.    The Duke and Lyaris have a single child,  Darrion, born in 1030.

His closest companion is the current leader of the Eagle-Helms, Sir Endaryan who was a childhood friend and companion of Orlind, though always much more a warrior than the young Duke.


Year of Birth
1009 AS 44 Years old
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations


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