The Dreaming City Report Report in Kōryō | World Anvil
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The Dreaming City Report

General Summary

Upon returning to Tengoku , Conradus , Genji , and Benkei spent the night planning on their next course of action. They decided to make for Feng-Nao , the most reclusive of the Great Cities in order to have Bitō repaired. When they set off to Tsukihanami the following morning, they encountered a disguised Laxius talking with Hana and Miki at the mourning wall and approached him. He questioned the group about what happened during their battle with Vazrimoth and offered indirect support should they decide to pursue Galbatorix while Vazrimoth was reforming in the Abyss. And in an uncharacteristic display of nervousness, Laxius also gave them new information about how Nultial was acting strangely and speaking in tongues, repeatedly mentioning the word "Mother". They decided against pursuing Galbatorix and had Rei teleport them to Feng-Nao. After a short trance-conversation with the mysterious Daimyo Liu-Xiao , they were shunted to the edge of the mist that surrounded the city and began the 6 -mile walk towards the city. They were attacked by Giant Shark Bowl oozes in the mist, but dispatched them without much issue.
  They finally arrived at the second largest and wealthiest of the Great Cities, and found it to be a tropical paradise overflowing with laughter, food, and drink. They made their way to Cutter's smithy, Sharp Edges where they met up with vacation Kakuzu and did business with the enigmatic blacksmith. They also commissioned Cutter to investigate both Vazrimoth's corpse and the feathers Benkei had taken from Zerato for any possible uses. They spent their first day in the Dreaming City shopping (Benkei bought a hawk and agreed to be a drug runner), and retired to the Copper Orchid izakaya where they ran into Yuuna for the first time in nearly three years. They spent the night drinking and carousing and made plans to visit Liu-Xiao the following morning.   When they finally came face to face with the mysterious Daimyo and her attendants Wulong and Jushen, she appeared to see through each of the party members to their very core. When discussion turned to the threat of the Twelve Apostles , Liu-Xiao revealed her true form; that of an ancient golden dragon named Jinlong . She assured the group that Feng-Nao was under no threat and that she had no issue with the Apostles as long as they did not threaten her city.   However, she offered them assistance in their fight against Vazrimoth in the form of an Imprisonment scroll in exchange for taking care of a group of Si-Xiong bandits led by a man named Sasaki Kojiro (whom Genji thought he knew). Sasaki was rumored to be in possession of a weapon unlike anything any the Sabaku had ever seen before. Liu-Xiao promised them the scroll in exchange for the weapon, and perhaps additional compensation should he be captured alive. They agreed to these terms and after talking with the Sword Jockey's (a group of good-natured mercenaries who wear Yokai armor hired by Liu-Xiao to defend the city), they took Yuuna along with them to hunt down Sasaki Kojiro.

Rewards Granted

Darkshard Amulet, Pujing's Crate, Hawk

Character(s) interacted with

Sword Jockey's
  • Fai Xinyi
  • Gao Yang
  • Seokjin
  • Yao Fen
  • Chang-Su
  • Bao-Lin
  • Pujing
  • Shenhua
  • "Cutter"
  • Rei
  • Wai-Li
  • Laxius
  • Liu-Xiao/Jinlong
  • Wulong
  • Jushen
  • Kakuzu
Before the Fall
Conradus Stonero
Level 19 Scourge Aasimar Lawful Good Paladin, Oath of the Crown
(Faction Agent)
275 / 275 HP
Musashibo Benkei
Level 14 Warforged Warlock of the Celestial
(City Watch)
312 / 126 HP
Yukimura Sanada
Level 119 Human True Neutral Fighter
150 / 150 HP
Player Journals
A Permanent Solution by Conradus Stonero
Report Date
03 May 2020
Primary Location


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