Show Me Your Guts Report in Kōryō | World Anvil
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Show Me Your Guts

General Summary

Teleporting to Galbatorix , the group wasted no time engaging him, Agony , and Isidor. After successfully killing and grounding Agony, Conradus was able to convince the frightened Isidor to flee and the group made quick work of the half-orc and his summoned Balor at the cost of Suzuha's  life. As he died, Galbatorix cursed Genji with his dying breath, severely damaging his mental and physical faculties. After reviving Suzuha, the group returned to Tengoku where they explained to Tao-Ren what had happened and the curse plaguing Genji.   Leaving the brain-dead samurai with Sora and Bitō, Benkei and Conradus traveled to Abe no Seimei to research possible cures. Drawing on Kagutsuchi's knowledge, Benkei learned that dying curses can be broken if the afflicted individual accomplishes a great deed designated by the caster. The following day, they traveled to Feng-Nao but were once again barred entry. After pleading with Fai, Liu-Xiao was summoned for an audience with the group. After Benkei implored her to fix Genji in exchange for Kiku-Ichimonji, Liu-Xiao presented him with an ultimatum: either kill Sora for her past crimes or kill himself. If he did, she promised she would attempt to restore Genji. Conradus attempted to kill himself instead, but Benkei stopped him before he could. After an intense, emotional conversation, Benkei decided to immolate himself. After he collapsed in a heap of twisted metal and burning wood, Liu-Xiao intervened and praised him for his readiness to lay down his life for his companions. She kept her end of the bargain by restoring Genji's mental faculties to a point where he could once again speak and understand language, though she still took Benkei's Kyotouryu in exchange.    With his mind restored, Genji remembered the deed he must accomplish to break the curse: he must kill Nultial Invictus . Returning to Tengoku, Conradus and Benkei visited Kakuzu to have him repaired, as well as to pick up the book Genji had ordered from Pietdidro. Genji then traveled to Miketsukami to speak with Suzuha. He told her he wanted to run away for fear of endangering those around him on his quest to kill Nultial. Suzuha told him that he was stronger than that, but Genji insisted. After kissing him, Suzuha ordered him out of Miketsukami. He then traveled to Abe no Seimei to be alone.
Before the Fall
Conradus Stonero
Level 19 Scourge Aasimar Lawful Good Paladin, Oath of the Crown
(Faction Agent)
275 / 275 HP
Musashibo Benkei
Level 14 Warforged Warlock of the Celestial
(City Watch)
312 / 126 HP
Yukimura Sanada
Level 119 Human True Neutral Fighter
150 / 150 HP
Player Journals
Victory At What Cost by Conradus Stonero
Report Date
07 Jun 2020


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