Abe no Seimei Settlement in Kōryō | World Anvil
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Abe no Seimei

Hidden among the rocky peaks of the Arashiyama mountain range and wreathed in fog, mist, and mystery is the secluded temple complex of Abe no Seimei. Built directly into the mountainside, Abe no Seimei is home to both Yokai and humanoid alike.   Many who brave the treacherous mountain path to the Sanctuary of the Onmyouji seek to heal scars both physical and emotional in nature. Others seek out the solitude of the temple complex as a means to come to terms with their pasts. Some come simply seeking to escape the outside world. Many leave when they find whatever it is they’re searching for, and some stay and become monks or Onmyouji.   Those who dwell within Abe no Seimei are led by Mifune , a powerful blue oni who was one of The Saint of Tranquility, Saiha el-Ryugamine 's Ayakashi during the First Great Yokai War. Mifune is an Oracle who sometimes sees visions of possible futures to come. He wields the Kyotouryu Sōtō Kanazuchi.   Before his death during the Siege of Tengoku, the guardian Yokai of Abe no Seimei was a Raiju named Azekura. Dwelling in a temple beneath the mountains, Azekura seldom left his chambers except when in times of great need. Azekura was a formidable combatant but was also exceptionally skilled in the art of healing. He was capable of casting the "True Resurrection" spell and used it to revive many fallen warriors during the Second Great Yokai War. Notable individuals include Ameno Yuuna, Vuzath Zadarath, and Sanada Yukimura.   Abe no Seimei was founded after Mifune discovered Azekura's abode in the mountains.


Abe no Seimei is made up of both humanoids and Yokai in an approximately 30-70% split. Those who choose to live in Abe no Seimei relinquish all personal wealth and live modest lifestyles, requiring only the bare minimum necessary to do so.


Although Mifune acts as overseer and has the final say on any decision involving Abe no Seimei as a whole, each of the Halls acts independently of each other with the Hall Master deciding all activity and policy.



A record hall containing treatises, books, scrolls, and notes collected and curated over centuries by Mifune and the Onmyouji of Abe no Seimei. Sliding ladders, lecterns, and pulley systems are used to reach the highest stacks.  

Hall of Healing

Abe no Seimei's infirmary. The healing practiced here is more spiritual in nature and is not suited for battlefield use. The healing processes here take longer than if one were to seek healing from a trained cleric.
  • Master of the Hall: Yamaguchi Sia

Hall of Art

A recreational Hall where residents can pursue artistic endeavors such as painting, drawing, or calligraphy. Basic ofuda craftsmanship is also taught here.
  • Master of the Hall: Hasegawa Tohaku

Hall of the Mind

A training Hall dedicated to sharpening the mind and strengthening mental fortitude. Here, initiates can learn to combat a variety of mentally debilitating conditions.
Frightened- 3 week process
Deafened- 5 week process
Blinded-5 week process
Charmed- 8 week process
  • Master of the Hall: Dōgen

Hall of War

Abe no Seimei has no official defense force but those who train their bodies at the Hall of War are skilled fighters in their own right. Months of grueling physical and mental training have transformed their bodies into temples of muscle. The Arashitora that live amongt the mountain peaks serve as the inspiration for their martial arts style and will sometimes swoop down into the training arena and spar with initiates.
  • Master of the Hall: No official master as much of the training is done independently but Mifune often visits to oversee and train others.

Azekura's Temple

Following his death during the Siege of Tengoku, Azekura's temple was converted into a secure storage space for the many Kyotouryu recovered over the course of the war as well as the perfectly preserved corpse of Agito the Famine . The following Kyotouryu are being held in storage:
  • Kyotouryu: Yasakani no Magatama
  • Kyotouryu: Sentō Tsurugi
  • Kyotouryu: Akutō Bita
  • Kyotouryu: Hikaru Kyuyou



Mifune founded Abe no Seimei in 479 AB after accidentally stumbling upon Azekura's home. Though Azekura was wary of Mifune at first, the two soon became close friends. Upon Saiha's request, the two Yokai agreed to train the Onmyouji he was mentoring and Abe no Seimei was founded shortly thereafter.  

The First Great Yokai War

After the outbreak of the First Great Yokai War in 846 AB, Abe no Seimei was used as a military base of sorts where Saiha and his Ayakashi could rest and nurse their wounds. After seven years of bloody combat Saiha managed to seal the Yonkishi into the land itself by binding his remaining Ayakashi to the land itself and using their essence to strengthen the seals he had placed on them. As a happy side effect, the essence of his Ayakashi seeped into the land and helped it grow and prosper. The true identity of the dozens of Tochigami scattered across Kōryō are the Ayakashi that gave their lives to lock the Yonkishi away.  

The Second Great Yokai War

500 years later, Abe no Seimei would once again be used as a base of operations for the resistance fighters who fought against the freed Yonkishi. During the fall of Tengoku the teleportation sigil located in Tsukihanami was used to evacuate approximately 150 civilians to Abe no Seimei where they would remain until the war ended.
  • The Battle of Abe no Seimei-
  • As the war reached its climax, an attack was launched on Abe no Seimei by the Disciples of the Yonkishi and their allied Yokai forces. The fighting lasted only a single night but with Mifune's return the resistance eventually forced a retreat from the attackers, though casualties on both sides were high.


Abe no Seimei is surrounded on all sides by mountain peaks and wreathed in cloud and mist. The Arashitora who call these peaks home wheel through the sky above the temple complex in great screeching flocks. The two week long hike up the Arashiyama mountains is made all the more treacherous by the wild beasts and Yokai who call its rocky faces home.
"The lamppost’s flame swells and brightens and its light cuts through the fog to illuminate Abe no Seimei. The temple complex is built directly into the sides of multiple cliff faces, white marble and red roofs built in the architectural style of ancient Kōryō. Jade statues of various Yokai are perched on the corners of roofs like gargoyles. Wooden bridges span the distance between the different temple buildings and small waterfalls cascade down the rocks behind them. Humanoids and Yokai dressed in white Onmyouji robes sweep the bridges, carry scrolls, and pray at shrines. As the light from the lamp floods the complex, they stop what they’re doing and turn to stare at you."   -Before the Fall, Chapter 3: The Yonkishi
Alternative Name(s)
The Sanctuary of the Onmyouji
*eating the face of a nearby Disciple* "GET OUT OF MY TEMPLE COMPLEX."   -Mifune to Katsuhiko Banshou and Nozomi, Before the Fall, Chapter 12: The Siege of Tengoku


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