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A Guide to Speaking with the Fair Folk

You stumble upon a leather bound book. It's dyed a deep emerald green, and fancy golden leaf is used to add embellishments to the otherwise plain book. The title is A Guide to Speaking with the Fair Folk and a few pages appeared to be bookmarked...
[...] In the following chapter, this guide will cover the taboos of Fair Folk conversation. This will include swears, insults, and other vulgar language that could see you in deep trouble if spoken to the wrong Fae. The pre-face of Chapter 7: How to be Polite

How to be Polite

  Being polite in the company of Fair Folk is incredibly important; and proper conversational skill will help you avoid disaster! In the following chapter, this guide will cover the taboos of Fair Folk conversation.This will include swears, insults, and other vulgar language that could see you in deep trouble if spoken to the wrong Fae.  

How to greet Fae

  Upon greeting a Fae the most important thing to remember, as was discussed in How to interact with the Fair Folk chapter is to avoid direct eye contact unless permitted. When greeting fae, you want to interact in the following way:

Haloion, efall yr'm Hau'lo / Mau'n disglairiom aryn
Hello, may the Sun/Moon shine on you
  A typical greeting that Fae share with one another. One must take great care to ensure that the usage of moon/sun is proper; Seelie and Unseelie Fae have different usages of the greeting. It is considered polite to ask the fae what their residing court is, much better than assuming.  

Polite Goodbyes

  When parting presences with Fae, a safe statement to use is the following:  
A'efall yr'm elem'ean gh'ad aryn.
May the elements protect you.
  Though the Fae are separated from one another via their courts, a common departing statement is to wish them well in a neutral matter. If you know of the fae's court standing, you can replace elem'ean with Hau'lo or Mau'n.  

Swears & Insults

  Fae are typically very polite beings. Being polite is a key part of their culture, but there are swears used occasionally. If you are on good terms with fae, it is likely that you may hear these in casual conversation. You must be aware of your relationship with the fae before using these terms.  
Ironblooded; Someone who is toxic.
Eight Points; an exclamation of surprise, a curse.
Common Phrases

Haloion, efall yr'm Hau'lo / Mau'n disglairiom aryn
Hello, may the Sun/Moon shine on you
A'efall yr'm elem'ean gh'ad aryn.
May the elements protect you.
Tapadh aryn.
Thank you.

Cover image: by ChaosTearKitsune


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Jul 8, 2018 02:42 by Sierra Brown

An article that shows not only insults, but polite phrases. That's a neat take on the prompt and I'm totally not gonna steal borrow that idea. Out of curiosity, is there a system behind the language and how the words and sentences are formed/structured?

Jul 8, 2018 03:07 by Terry-Lynn L

There kinda is! I butcher Gaelic and as I've messed with it I've made up part of the vocab; With aryn being 'you' and such! I'm glad people like the idea, I worried it was going to be boring >A<

Jul 8, 2018 05:57

I would have like to have seen some more examples of phrases but, I really like what you have so far as it gives hints about fae society and what they value. Are there any species the fae don't get along with very well because of they are frequently vulgar? Or is there more of a neutral/reluctant acceptance that everyone else is a vulgar 'barbarian'?

Jul 8, 2018 19:38 by Terry-Lynn L

Thank you! Fae occasionally have a hard time with any humans that have been on ships and the like (they swear a lot, are typically vulgar). Most begrudgingly interact with other species that tend to be vulgar/swear a lot, and just consider them less educated/crude. Probably equivalent to a noble talking to a farmer, if that makes sense. : p

Jul 8, 2018 06:19 by Zen Bagunu

I'm assuming Fair Folk and Fae are the same thing, and that Seelie and Unseelie correspond with the sun and the moon, respectively. I wish you linked to other articles so I could look into these terms because I'm intrigued.   As other people have said, you made some interesting choices: making this an in-universe document and including politeness to balance out the cursing asked of the prompt.   I feel like exploring the consequences of breaking these etiquette codes would make a fun addition to the article as well. And also just more phrases.

Jul 8, 2018 19:29 by Terry-Lynn L

Ah, unfortunately I don't have my Fae article done yet or I would have linked it! I've been working on my species, but WASC has kind of gotten in the way of that. I do plan on editing it in the future, these kind of edits are something that I appreciate people bringing up. ^^ I need to look up how to do tooltips as well... Thank you so much for the comment!

Jul 8, 2018 06:45 by Andrew

Haloion, efall yr'm Hau'lo! I enjoyed reading this very much, it's short but concise and lets me get the general feel for the attitudes of the Fae. Fantastic job!

Jul 8, 2018 19:34 by Terry-Lynn L

Thank you! A'efall yr'm elem'ean gh'ad aryn! I do plan on adding more to it, but I just got some summer camp burn out on it )':

Jul 8, 2018 13:25 by Tikal

Great work! It really feels like a language and not something totally made up. Great job!

Jul 8, 2018 19:27 by Terry-Lynn L

Thank you so much! I appreciate it!

Jul 9, 2018 02:47 by Johann Duarte

I can "feel" some words in your vocabulary, like they really evolved from somewhere. I also like how you act as this was book and not simply a blog article, and would love to see the full book someday. *smiles in fair folk language*

Jul 9, 2018 15:14 by Terry-Lynn L

Thank you! I took a look at how Gaelic was structured and based my language off of that with my own few twists. I do plan on adding more after the month is up. Not a full book, but a little bit more fleshed out ^^.

Jul 30, 2018 18:36 by TJ Trewin

This is a refreshing take on a language article! Great to see the language used in context rather than a big list :D it says a lot more about your world and makes me want to read more of it!

Journals of Yesteryear

Aug 10, 2018 14:54 by Terry-Lynn L

Thank you so much for the kind words! I wanted to frame this as a book about r pamphlet so it wouldn't just be a list of insults/words and would be more engaging, I'm glad people seem to like it so much!