Lavennic Parliament Organization in Invasive Species | World Anvil
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Lavennic Parliament

Lavennic Parliament is the main body of the Legislative branch of the Lavennic Government, and is based on a tricameral system and located within the Grand Hall of Boralto.

The Three Chambers

The Communal Assembly
Organization | Jan 6, 2024
1: The Communal Assembly is the lower chamber and is composed of 500 directly elected Councillors. They are elected by the enfranchised citizenry of Lavenna, which is a population of around 159 million people. The Assembly has the most legislative power of the three chambers, with the constitutional powers to pass new legislation,declare war, collect taxes, direct national financial policy, and elect the First Councillor. Councillors are elected through a proportional split ballot system, and once elected serve terms of 4 years each.
The National Directorate
Organization | Jan 6, 2024
2: The National Directorate is the middle chamber of the Lavennic Parliament and is composed of 150 Directors appointed by the scientific community of Lavenna. The National Directorate can unilaterally issue ordinances to ensure environmental sustainability and preservation which can only be revoked by the Communal Assembly vetoing such ordinances. It also has the authority to manage affairs related to science and technology, as well as approving and denying any major infrastrucutre projects proposed by the lower chamber. Most importantly, the Directorate jointly creates parliamentary commitees with the Communal Assembly, and can veto legislation passed in the Communal Assembly before it is sent up to the Chamber of Delegates, though only if a super majority of Directors vote in favor. Thus, it has an incredibly important role in shaping new legislation. Directors are chosen by their peers in scientific communities and newly elected directors are thoroughly vetted by independent commissions, serving terms of 2 years. Any potential conflicting interests immediately disqualifies someone from being a director.
The Chamber of Delegates
Organization | Jan 7, 2024
3: The Chamber of Delegates is the upper chamber, and is composed of 200 Delegates. The Chamber has little direct power in making new legislation, however it must approve any proposed legislation passed in the Communal Assembly and National Directorate, and must approve Premierial Appointees. It also has oversight over the Lavennic Defence Forces, and military actions ordered by the First Councillor can be revoked through a majority vote.

Vald Dest Nauvaro

Governmental, Senate/Parliament
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