High Communal Arbitration Organization in Invasive Species | World Anvil
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High Communal Arbitration

The High Communal Arbitration is the highest communal court in Lavenna and the primary body of the Judiciary. It is made up of 32 Arbitrators, 16 appointed by The Communal Assembly, and 16 appointed by The National Directorate, who serve for 25 years each. After their terms have expired, Arbitrators must be confirmed for subsequent terms by both the Communal Assembly and the National Directorate once more. It has the power to arbitrate and issue rulings on court cases elevated to their level, and can declare laws and actions unconstitutional. Additionally, Among the thirty Arbitrators, there is also one First Arbitrator, who organises the Arbitration and hears cases. The Current First Arbitrator is Kozak Mesdalin

Justice For All Of Lavenna

Parent Organization

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Cover image: Alpha Centauri by Jakub Grygier


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