Stormlander Ethnicity in Illios | World Anvil


Culture helps to solidify a Kingdom, allowing for unity across races giving the people a common identity. The people of StormHaven have a culture all there own, it is a culture that has been shaped by many experiences, War, Disaster, Famine, and more.   The Kingdom has often been at war, against both Lorem, and Aminara, and it has suffered raids from the various entities that have appeared in the Wilds, as well as from the various barbarian clans of the snowy peaks. With the Astral Scar hanging high above them, the Kingdoms collapse in the fallout of the Star Fall is hardly forgotten. As such martial prowess is important to the people of StormHaven, tournaments are often held in the cities across the Kingdom to test the Knights, and many peasants get basic spear training, especially along the borders.   The constant tournaments, featuring events such as archery competitions, jousts, and duels. Have caused competitions to become an integral element in this culture.       *Names come from English-French-Gaelic*

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Examples Include: Elara, Morganna, Elyzyna, Ysanna, Barbanna,

Masculine names

Examples Include: Agrane, Agrore, Dunyn, Rodyrick, Tristane, Edwore, Bedyctor,

Family names

Examples Include: Greenford, Kingsley, Wickston, Hawkton, Copperton, Moorcroft, Moorsly,


Major language groups and dialects

Common, Elven.

Culture and cultural heritage

Code of Chivalry: The Stormlanders follow a strict code of chivalry that emphasizes honor, courage, and loyalty. Knights are expected to protect the weak, uphold justice, and show courtesy to all, both on and off the battlefield. This code serves as a moral compass for the people of StormHaven and is deeply ingrained in their societal norms.   Respect for Ancestry: The Stormlanders hold a deep reverence for their ancestors. Family lineage is considered sacred, and individuals are expected to uphold the honor and traditions of their forebears. Genealogy is meticulously recorded, and family histories are passed down through generations.   Egalitarianism in Tournaments: In tournaments, there is a sense of egalitarianism that transcends social hierarchies. While noble knights often participate, commoners who demonstrate exceptional skill are given the opportunity to compete and gain recognition. Tournaments are seen as a meritocratic arena where one's abilities are more important than birthright.

Shared customary codes and values

Honor, Justice, Prowess.

Average technological level

The people of StormHaven prefer to use Enchantments, they weave magic into everything from the stone which makes their homes, to the armor they wear and weapons they wield.

Art & Architecture

Pointed Towers and Roofs: The most distinctive feature of Stormlander architecture is the prevalence of pointed towers and roofs. Tall spires and turrets adorn castles, city walls, and even civilian homes. The pointed architecture is not only visually striking but also serves practical purposes, allowing rain and snow to slide off easily, a necessity in Stormhaven's stormy climate.   Elaborate Stonework: Buildings are often constructed with intricate stonework, featuring delicate carvings and reliefs. Elvish-inspired motifs, such as elegant leaf patterns or celestial symbols, are commonly incorporated into the architecture.   Knight Statues: Throughout cities and towns, statues of knights in dynamic poses are a common sight. These statues celebrate the martial prowess and chivalry of the Stormlander people. Some statues depict historical figures, while others represent archetypal ideals of honor and courage. These monuments are often erected in prominent locations, such as city squares or the courtyards of castles.   Fortified Castles: Castles in Stormhaven are imposing structures with high, crenelated walls and numerous defensive features. The pointed towers serve both defensive and aesthetic purposes, creating a skyline that is both majestic and intimidating. The interiors of castles are adorned with tapestries depicting heroic deeds, battles, and the lineage of noble families   Stained Glass Windows: Elaborate stained glass windows are a common feature in important buildings, such as temples and the great halls of castles. These windows depict scenes from Stormlander history, mythology, and the exploits of legendary knights. The vibrant colors of the stained glass are especially striking against the gray backdrop of stormy skies.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Ancestral Weaponry: It is common for Stormlander family's to have heirloom weapons. Families pass down heirloom weapons through generations, and possessing such a weapon is a mark of prestige and lineage. These weapons are often altarted to make them unqiue, and incorporate runes, or decorations, marking the families history.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

Stormlight Blessing: originally a druidic ceremony, it has become a common tradition of all Stormlander people. Newborns are brought out during the first storm after their birth, where a priest or priestess performs a ritual known as the "Stormlight Blessing." During this ceremony, the child is exposed to the elements, and it is believed that the storm's energy imbues them with strength, resilience, and a connection to the natural forces of Stormhaven, and Illios as a whole.

Coming of Age Rites

Bladewind Consercration: As a symbol of responsibility and readiness for adulthood, young Stormlanders are often presented with a symbolic weapon. This could be a family heirloom, or a crafted weapon representing their chosen path. This consercration signifies not just the possession of a weapon but the acknowledgment of the bearer's place within the intricate tapestry of Stormlander society. It is a moment of empowerment, responsibility, and connection to the enduring legacy of those who have come before.

Common Taboos

Disrespecting Ancestry: Disparaging or dishonoring one's own family or the ancestors is considered a grave offense. Stormlanders hold their lineage in high regard, and any act that brings shame to the family name is strongly condemned.   Distrubing the dead: No one should distrub the dead after they have reached MonKai. As such practices like necromancy are extremly taboo, and can even have legal consequences.

Common Myths and Legends

There is an old legend parents use to scare there children in StormHaven. The Legend of the Raven Queen is a cautionary tale of the consequences for abandoning ones Ideals.

Major organizations