Kate Lyra Langridge Character in Ignotas | World Anvil

Kate Lyra Langridge

Apprentice Kate Lyra Langridge

I want to get out there gods damnit! These books, scriptures and logs will only get me so far mister. Real experience in real dangerous locations with real dangerous people against real dangerous monsters is the real way to really grow! For real.
— Kate Lyra Langridge

A bit about me

Dear journal, I wont bore you with everything that has happened to me, though I do want to write down my story real quick. As you know, I, as everyone else on Ignotas, was once from a completely different planet, or plane, or reality, named Cathrea.

My past and how I got here

Kate Lyra Langridge Attire by Midjourney
I was part of an Eladrin family up in the northern parts of Cavligor. Since old status means jack shit here, I won't mention any of that, though what I find fun to know is theat I, as well as my entire family, was extremely intimately connected with the feywild, thus being granted immense magical abilities. I was... relatively happy at home, but due to some... complications and a teensy tiny tussle with some family members of mine, I ended up, uhm, tumbling down an endless dark void we called the Anomaly Abyss, whioch basically was an endless pit, so deep no one knew the actual depth and what was down there. I inevitably found myself ass first on the floor of the Passage to the New World as a New Soul however.

Death? Reincarnation? A Second Chance?

You know, I honestly thought I was dead. I mean what else? Swallowed up by a hole bigger than the entirety of the known Ignotas? I thought I died so quick that I never felt a slither of pain, but that was the furthest from the truth. I came to my feet, being greeted by a grimey old lady I later came to know as "Lady Vapor". Anyways, After acclimating to my, well, non-death-state, I was quickly introduced to this world and I must say, what the actual fuck have I got myself into?

Magic and Goals

From Bad to Better to Worse, after realizing I was in fact not dead, I then was told and also felt, that my bond to the feywild was almost completely cut. No more magic to cast, no more communication with the elder tree, no more everything.

Student yet again

Yada yada, boring stuff, I ended up deciding to become a Botanist. I enrolled in the Rox Academics and am now studying... everything, with special attention to detail in flora and natural ressource related. The reason for this career choice is quite simple: I want to find a way to connect back to the feywild. I want my magic back, and I want to communicate with my friends again. With me growing up in the wild, all around magical plantery and forests, it was a no brainer to enroll as a Botanist. It's not that I generally enjoy being a Botanist, it's just the best chance I know to uncover the mystery around the magic loss in this realm.

Me As A Person

I am pretty straight forward. I grew up in a very prestigious environment that had no place for anything really fun. I was always the vulgar one, the little piss stain on the exterior of a house that always slightly bothered anyone looking at it. Always saying what's on my mind has served me well in this world, so no complaints on that front. Here, people just live. They live to survive, so no one gives a fuck about royal pleasentries or unnecessary courtesies, I quite like that.

My Social Life

Just recently have I found the perfect circle for me. While friends are a luxury I can't yet afford, the Soulventure I am a part of and the people in it are some of the most capeable, if not a bit reckless, adventurers I have ever come across. We call ourselves the Magiseekers and are a Soulventure specializing in Gathering and Scouting. We have a long way to go still, we are just apprentices after all, but maybe I'll tell you about them another time.

How I Fight

Kate Lyra Langridge Scout Attire by Midjourney
You know, sometimes we Botanists get looked down upon as those needing protection. Oh, how brave, a strong, fearless Slaughterer coming to my rescue while I, the little flower picking girl cowers in fear while... you get the idea. On a serious note, I think being a good Botanist requries being a good fighter as well, at least to the point of being able to protect yourself. I learned a lot from my colleagues in the academy, fighting with traditional weaponry of course, daggers, shortswords, the whole shebang. The one thing I really love fighting with was taught to me by our Soulweaver, Andrew. I missed using magic as much as the next person, so for me to fight with trinkets, paired with Bow and Daggers proved complex, but fucking effective!
Adventuring Group
Chaotic Good (CG)
Current Status
sleeping in class
Current Location
excitedly glowing orange
blonde, orange streaked, waist long, slight messy curls
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
tanned, clean skin
168cm or 5'5
62kg or 137lbs
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Used Weaponry
Bow & Arrow
Published Work
Will mom... finally be proud of me? When I find a way to talk to her, will she finally see me as the daughter she never had?
— Kate
Kate Lyra Langridge Gathering Attire by Midjourney

Further Reading

Organization | Jul 11, 2023
New Soul
Generic article | Jul 31, 2023
Profession | May 17, 2023
Material | Jul 11, 2023

Cover image: Autumn Forest


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