The City Watch - Captain Barker Character in House of Prism | World Anvil
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The City Watch - Captain Barker

Captain Barker activates her essence baton, ready to paralyse another unfortunate criminal found breaking the law during the day    Every city in Tenglan has various city watch squads (aka city guards) patrolling the streets to keep them safe. Every city has their own custom-designed uniform that helps the guards stand out from the general public. Every city watch general reports to that City's respective Dukess.   In Tenglan's capital of Imperias City, The City Watch general reports directly to King Johan Ganay. They are known by the people as ' the Red Brigade' for their distinctive uniform. Each major district of the capital has a Watch battalion that manages the criminal activity in that area, and all report to their chief - the battalion captain.   Due to the Queen's law that punishes offenders more heavily during the day (See Day and Night Cycle)Criminals focus their nefarious activities at night There are three times as many guards on patrol at night than during the day.    

Guards and Aura abilities

  None of the Guards have access to Aura abilities since the King recruits his most gifted soldiers to the Palace Guard or convinces them to become Balters to represent Imperials in the All Race League.   Each Guard receives a hardened Ganay baton, making the wooden weapons ultra-durable yet light to swing. They also receive a standard-issue silver sword that can only be used to serve punishment during the light of the day.   Once the dark descends through the city, the watch must put away their swords and pull out a secondary baton. As compensation, the guards can wear full body armour instead of the light leather they wear during the day.   Guard Captains are the elite fighters of the City Watch, skilled in all forms of hand-to-hand combat. As a reward for their position, each one receives an unbreakable pure essence baton. One hit paralyses any limb it touches, making it a potent weapon and the reason no criminal would ever confront a Guard captain.   Essence batons, just like Aura-gifted individuals, are fuelled by The Lord's Essence - the greater the baton glows, the more deadly it's effects.   The pictures show Captain Barker with her right-handed Essence baton - an uncompromising woman known for her brutal criminal-crushing efficiency and unparalleled fighting technique. In her hands, an essence baton is like possessing a Sorce. It's no wonder she twirls it around with the confidence a Wizard holds a staff.
Captain barker
by Rastamust the Vanquisher
Captain Barker is equally comfortable wearing the man's costume or the woman's costume. And let's be honest nobody would be stupid enough to tell her otherwise.  

Written by Ricardo Butler


Imperial Life:

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Pale White
5ft 7"

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by Adam Neve-Dunn

Cover image: by Rastamust the Vanquisher


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by Adam Neve-Dunn
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