About Hoist the Colors in Hoist the Colors | World Anvil

About Hoist the Colors

Well now, my friend. Is that treasure in your eye? Or are you just happy to see me?
- Diego “The Black” Salvador, Captain of the Last Doubloon
Ah, now, who do we have we here?
Where do you hail from? Oh, never you mind that. That’s not why you’re here, is it?
I can see you’re curious about Hoist the Colors. You’ve looked around and wondered just what is all this? Well, let me help you out with that.
You see, whatever you guess you’ve figured out… you know what? You’re mostly right! And… you’re also wrong. But that’s quite fine because you’re still right in my book!
Hoist the Colors is a game fueled by the Forged in the Dark rules. But it’s not just any game. It’s one of intrigue, death-defying adventure, and so much more.
Here we play to find that adventure. To see just how your crew not only survives, but thrives in a world of warring trading companies, scheming empires, powerful bloodthirsty pirates, and lost relics of another time and place. All while navigating their own interests, quirks, and vices.
View of the Thames by Copper-plate engraving from London Magazine

Blood moon by Deposit Photos stock image

This is Earth, of course. But not quite how you remember it. The year was 1712. At the stroke of midnight on October 31st, a green comet flared in the sky and cut across the night’s blood moon. Quite the sight, if you ask me.
Everyone saw it. Not a soul from the Americas, to England, India and beyond missed it. How could you? Then there was this laugh. It chased that comet that night until it flashed out of sight.
Some say that laugh was haunting. Others swear it was the laugh of a young man busy with a game where only he knew the rules. No one knows for sure. Once that comet left, so did the laugh.
The whole thing was called the Crossing’s Fall.
But then, the real trouble began.
Magic, and I mean the real thing, turned out to be as real as you or I. That wasn’t all. Seems whatever that comet was, it broke something important. A bridge I’ve heard between Earth and a place called Otherworld.
Not heard of it? That’s all right, most hadn’t … at least, not then.
That same night, the remnants of Otherworld were thrown to Earth. New islands and lands melted into place. Some in the mid-Atlantic, others to the west of Japan. Then there were places in Greenland, jungles of South America, ah … you get the idea. Not much stayed the same.
Along with that came their people. Turns out our myths? They were right, or almost right! Pixies appeared, but they didn’t look like we’d been told about. They prefer the name ‘thaye’ thank you so much, and aren't quite so tiny as you'd imagine.
Gruff ‘dwarves’ with their gift for metalwork, turned out to be called ‘grimlings’ and are so much more than we ever knew.
Then there are the raven-folk called the morasu. Some called them ‘nightclaws’, but they don’t like that very much. In fact, they’re not fond of much at all. See, this brutal lot lost their empire back on Otherworld, so they feel quite intent on setting up a new one here. No matter if we like it or not!
But then darker things came from the Otherworld. Creatures, beasts and things that should have stayed a myth. Things in the dark and the deep ocean that don’t have a single love for the light.
This is an Earth learning to live with itself ten years after that fateful night in 1712. Now, in 1722, the great nations in Europe, Asia, and elsewhere squabble over the new lands that have appeared. In the Americas, the natives had quite enough and are using magic to their own best interests. In the Pacific, life struggles against a constant war that never seems to quite end.
But where do you come in?
Quite anywhere, thank you kindly! You could be a young human blacksmith bound for adventure, whether he knows it or not. A young thayan lass, student of history, that is determined to recover lost relics here on Earth from the Otherworld, and a few human ones too now that magic works again.
Perhaps you’re a grimling who has taken up service for Queen or King and country. Maybe a life working for one of the powerful merchant fleets strikes your fancy. Oh, you could be a young morasu noble, looking to prove yourself among the skulduggery and intrigue of rival noble houses, not to mention the human ones from the Old World!
Ah, now wait. There’s that grin. That twinkle in the eye. I’d know it anywhere.
You’ve seen the sunset over the water set the sky on fire. Heard the songs of Calypso over the waves. Tunes that call you to dance. That old journal with that weathered map in your coat tells it all, doesn’t it?
Not so much the fish out of water, are you, Privateer?
Thayan Lady by CB Ash *
Old Map by CB Ash using Midjourney and stock art
For you, it’s the taste of adventure. Lure of treasure. Taking the jobs for the highest bidder to earn a good coin, and maybe… just perhaps… show this old world what a true free spirit can do.
Because you already know if you want something, a thing that’s right and just, you have to be ready to fight for it. To dig in and use that elbow grease, some heart, and maybe a bit of magic. Living your life on your own terms with the wind in your sails and the sun at your back.
After all, living is the best adventure of all, isn’t it? Of course, with a touch of mystery thrown in for a bit of fun!
… and after all, a bit of mystery is the spice of life, is it not?
- Doctor Pedro Sangre de Alejandro del Rio
Rules to live by, eh? Oh, well, maybe not ‘rules’. Perhaps it’s better to say they’re more like 'guidelines'.

Now, go catch that horizon!

Cover image: Midnight Oil by CB Ash using Krita and MidJourney


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Sep 27, 2023 07:01

Wow the story just draws you on to the setting. And the blood moon!

Graylion - Nexus   Roleplaying
not Ruleplaying
not Rollplaying
Sep 27, 2023 16:36 by C. B. Ash

As if the blood moon wasn't ominous enough... now imagine a green comet and laughter!

Jan 2, 2024 21:06

"they are more like guidelines anyway" i like the reference hahah

-Creator of The Multiverse, Most notable in which are The World of Yanu & The World of Velen-
Jan 2, 2024 21:13 by C. B. Ash

I couldn't help myself on that one. It just begged to be added!

Jan 2, 2024 21:18

yeah i get it. it's hilarious!

-Creator of The Multiverse, Most notable in which are The World of Yanu & The World of Velen-