Dragonspire Settlement in Hogoku (The Sanctuary) | World Anvil
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Dragonspire is a small city on the southern coast of Sotokuni. It's name is a reference to an old alias for Qumad Wizard Tower, which the city was built around.   Along with the Qumad Wizard Tower, the city is also known for Dragonspire Library and Dragonspire University.


A majority of Dragonspire's population are dragonborn, especially ones of metallic dragon heritage. However, the magic university draws in a decently racial diverse population.   The city has an abnormally large amount of magic users, attracted by either the university, the library, and other establishments made by and/or catering to magic users.

Industry & Trade

Much of the services provided by local businesses in Dragonspire are catered towards magic users, especially the students of the city's magic university.   The city has large exports of magic items made by its large population of magic users.


Two Towers

In the year -884, the Wizard Dragon, Qumad, claimed the beach above his dragon lair, and he built the Qumad Wizard Tower as a publically accessible part of his lair where he could invite guests to aid in his magical studies and experiments.   After his son Niarh hatched, Qumad began collecting a wide variety of books to educate Niarh, and his own personal collection had grown impressively large by then. Thus, to house all these books, Qumad built a second tower in the year -325, which would later be known as Dragonspire Library.   Other buildings were constructed to house, feed, and provide other services for the various guests Qumad invited to assist him in prolonged experiments and to help educate and entertain his son.  

A Young Son's Whim

In the year -227, after becoming a century old adult dragon and proving to be a competent arcane magic user, Niarh was inspired to begin tutoring young wizards, witches, and magi after an elderly witch casually mentioned that teaching was the most effective way to truly learn something. However, his invitation to any nearby arcane users to learn a few pointers would soon spread across the country, and many were attracted by the reputation of Niarh's father and his facilities.   Niarh was soon overwhelmed by the overabundance of enthusiastic novices seeking his tutelage, and he asked some of his peers to help instruct them. The situation would continue to escalate until Niarh eventually organized the group into a small magic school.   Intrigued by his son's work, Qumad had a third tower built in the area to act as the facilities for the school, and he invited some of his contacts to act as professors. In the year -246, the school officially took on the name Dragonspire University.  

A City Ruled by Dragons

As the university attracted more staff and students, an increasing demand for housing, dining, etc. called for more and more construction until eventually it eventually was the size of a large town. Niarh officially declared the settlement be known as Dragonspire and established himself as its leader.   During the Warring States Period, the presence of two bronze dragons helped keep Dragonspire as a safe, neutral area, allowing it to develop into a thriving trade hub.


  • Dragonspire (Map)

Articles under Dragonspire

Cover image: by Carolyn Bland


Author's Notes

This article was made as a submission for a WorldAnvil Summer Camp 2018 prompt: "Describe a settlement that’s a major trade hub. What can you find there?"

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