The Holy Church of the Sunborn Organization in Helios | World Anvil
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The Holy Church of the Sunborn


The church organized into septs, which are responsible for different cities, though this practice is rather new, as the church used to be centered in Rashim , and only recently branched into the newly added cities under Rashim’s banner. These new septs are only beholden to the sunborn, the ardents, and the Radiant. In theory, at least no sept should be beholden to another, though in practice most show the difference to the Sept of Rashim. Each sept is headed by a channeler or grand channeler depending on the size of the territory they oversee, entrusted with a flame lit directly from the sunburst throne. The grand channeler’s main task is that as oversee over a larger area and Is as such limited to the great cities rather than townships and villages, ensuring that all over the different ministry cooperates. The channeler is an assistant to the Grand channeler, they do so by celebrating the rituals with the people in the different territories and hold sermons in his stead to the people. The channeler’s main duty is to be a direct link between the Sunborn and the people. The bearer is an assistant to the church, ensuring that it is well supplied for its rituals, sermons, and charities and assisting in these events. Bearers are also the keepers of the sacred text, it is their charge to copy the sacred works and spread them. Brights are menial assistants, often common citizenry who assist the work of the church in return for shelter, food, and minimal pay.


The Holy church has stood since the days of the second Radiant, when Rashim was officially defied when her successor saw visions of her ascension beyond death, and her immortality within the flame of the sunburst throne. The church was established during the war against the Caladites when the first saint in a moment of desperation called out to the radiant in fear, and felt a spark of the great flame course through him and channeled it save himself and his countrymen, the saint Zareb first man to have ever felt the power of the sun course through him dedicated his life to the sunburst throne, and founded the The holy church of the sunborn, thus earning the name Saint Zareb The Founder, though it’s teaching would be solidified by saint Asif the Humble, who wrote the Sunwreathed Testament, which preached humility before the flame and generoucity and compassion to all those who dwelled beneath the sun, that all could feel the compassion and life the radiant bequeathed to all in her realm. Which solidified the church’s position in society as an extension of the sunborn’s will within city and as caretakers of the people on behalf of the Radiant, where her otherwise noble scions may be stretched to thin to reach.
Religious, Holy Order
Parent Organization
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