Guild Yamar Organization in Helios | World Anvil
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Guild Yamar

Guild Yamar specialises in exploration and the pursuit of ancient relics and also histrical knowledge of how the world once was. They believe that the ways of the ancient mage lords and other cultures is worth preserving, that they may come to have a clearer picture of the past and thereby the future.   Yamar also operates some territories within Rashim expecially in the Outer Ray District.


The structure of Yamar is quite different from many other guilds, in the sence that it does not have a board with a director, instead the guild has a Master with undisputed power Azeem, who then has a hand picked councel, to which he delegates tasks and assignments.   The Guild is generally divided into two sections, the Cultivators and the Explorers, with the Cultivators working on scholarly pursuits, such as finding out where ruins may be located, who build them, old languages and customs, in general they seek to understand what the world was like through the records that were left, and through the transcriptions brought to them by the explorers.   The Explorers represent the more hotshot members of the guild, they go out into the field in order to follow potential leads made by the Cultivators.

Public Agenda

The uncover the secrets of the past Mage Lords, to re-establish the civilization of old, and restore order to the waste.


Guild Yamar has a strong connection to Sunborn Houses, and thus hold some modicum of authority as well as being entrusted with managing territory within the outer ray, and thereby funds from taxes and wares. The guild has a large amount of agents, many of who are scholars searching for possible locations through ancient texts trying to pierce together the tattered pages of history.   Uniquely the guild has somewhat stable ties with the Karith , for many of them trust Azeem . They work for the guild as guides and mercenry at times when the delicate touch of the The Royal Firebrand Striders is not needed.   The Guild produces large amounts of healing potions and items, for their delicate line of work and connection to institutes which require them, as such many herbalist flock to the guild for the benifits they can provide them in ingredients and rare recipes.


Yamar is a young guild, but backed by powerful figures within the Court, it has seen a steep rise in amongst it's members and many younger magicians flock to them for a chance to be part of a guild that is more flexible in allowing members to pursue possible leads.

The Secrets of the Past; Ours

Guild, Mages
Alternative Names
The Antiquarians
Parent Organization
Notable Members
Related Ethnicities


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