Symphony Geographic Location in Glüm | World Anvil


The Symphony is a plane within Creation that exists metaphysically "below" the Cacophony, wherein the power of the Song of Creation is great enough to give life to the Gods, but not so great that it immediately destroys everything it permeates.   Given that the Symphony is a realm of near infinite possibility, as well as the home of Gods both vain and terrible in power, it is no wonder that its endless energy has been solidified into sub-planes better suiting its occupants. It is believed to be organised thus, though it should be noted that this is a realm of infinite possibility, space, and timelessness, so these descriptions should not be viewed from a logical or sensical manner. Space and time is meaningless in the Symphony:
  • The outer reaches of the Symphony appears as a great toroidal ocean that infinitely churns, turning in upon itself. This is known as the Seas of Pelagar, and is ruled over by Rudderless.
  • Within the central ring of the Seas of Pelagar is a great fortress wall known as Bastion, patrolled endlessly by Banner Bearer. Bastion is said to also be able to wrap around the outside "edge" of Symphony, enclosing it like a fortress, though it is believed this has never happened, and that should it Rudderless and Banner Bearer would wage war upon one another.
  • Inside the protective walls of Bastion is an endless field of grain, orchards, and pastures known as Fallows, which are tended, threshed, and ploughed eternally by the Reaper & Sower.
  • At the centre of these fields erupts a huge palatial structure, bristling with hanging gardens, golden spires, wine-filled fountains, and jewelled domes, known as the Palace of Langwine. From here, Lord Velvet presides over an endless revelry.
  • The highest and most central spire of the Palace forms into a great grey-metal needle known as Spindle, from which threads of every colour possible stretch out towards every living being — mortal or otherwise. This is the domain of Old Lady Loom, who works tirelessly at Their weaving.
  • Floating above Spindle, and indeed technically "beyond" all the other sub-planes, is a glittering prism covered over with fractal pyramids, all of which equal in height by seemingly vying for supremacy. This realm is known as Diadem, and from its diamond walls Mother Make Me endlessly schemes.
  • Lastly is Haunt, a realm apart from the others, but accessible through every shadow cast within the glaringly bright Symphony. This is the domain of Madam Midnight, though she also lays claim to the Refrain and Sustain within Harmony.
Existing apart from Symphony, but spending half its time within the plane — the other half floating above Harmony — is Empyra, a dual plane of silver and golden light from which come the sun and moon. Empyra is controlled by They Who Call the Dawn.   The only God who does not hold a sub-plane of Symphony is the Lord of Bridges & Baubles, who is said to wander all the planes of Creation equally.
Plane of Existence
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