Glod Settlement in Glüm | World Anvil


Glod is a village on the border between the Arit Forest, the Githind Swamp, and the Plains of Pesht, de jure a part of the Duchy of Gol-Kasha via the Viscounty of Galca.   The village of Glod was destroyed in 1 AE by the encroachment of the Githind Swamp, and subsequent attacks from the Umbo and their Sesh servitors. The Scofflaws' Guild was able to defeat these creatures, and their summoned Tendriculous, and return the profaned bones of the Gloddite's honoured ancestors. In 3 AE, the village was rebuilt more inkeeping with their new swampy terrain, and appears to be thriving.
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Ruling/Owning Rank
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