Die Koalition der Heimatverteidigung

Die Koalition der Heimatverteidigung

The Koalition is Alles Als Eins Heimatwelts standing military. Formed soon after the first Heimatwelters came together to resemble a organized group under the Goddess Ellara. The Koalition first began fighting with makeshift weapons, improving their fighting abilities and tools to armor and knights, then when black powder became commonplace, they fought in massive lines, similar to the olden days of sword and shield, until it became suicide to try it. Heimatwelters were the second people group to begin fighting in small groups, or 'Korps'. Now, as mechs and fully automatic weapons become commonplace, Heimatwelt soldiers prefer using the bolt action rifles they've been using for thousands of years. Even as their firerate is outclassed, they continue to easily withstand anything Stepmor can throw at them.  

Abteilung Heimverteidigung

Dies ist meine Waffe, dies ist mein langer Arm. Er beschützt mich, ich kümmere mich um ihn. Ich halte sie in Gang, sie hält mich am Leben. Wenn ich meine Waffe vernachlässige, wird es mich im Stich lassen.
Abteilung Heimverteidigung Infantry Creed
Heimatwelts raw groundpower, the Abteilung Heimverteidigung is made up of armored divisions, artillery divisions, and infantry divisions. Lead by a Befehlshaber der Division für Heimatschutz, with other officers under them.   The AH gets a lot of represenation in Heimatwelt Media, as they are the ones seen out and about in the cities and country. Trained to do their duty, and power through adversaties, the AH is a comfort to any citizen.   Wearing uniforms for any occasion, the AH fights in any weather, or biome.  
I don't know how, or why, they did it. Our men couldn't see more than three feet in front of them. The rain, and debris jammed our guns. We couldn't bring the 1.5s to bear, because we couldn't see. The Heimatwlt dogs pushed through the rain, the flying trees, the water lapping at their heels. We could only see to shoot when lightning flashed, or the enemy fired their guns. Once and a while, the enemy fell in front of the 1.5s, and we cleared them out. I am quite certain that our enemy was not raging, as otherwise I would not be sitting here writing this report. The southern pillbox was destroyed completely, and the guns there were lost. So the ocean now has only some small caliber guns to bring to bear. My fear is that once the hurricane is gone, the enemy will push their naval forces past our location, and break for the island chain to the east. The airbase is wide open for attack. As well, we lost a large amount of defenders, and if another wild attack comes, we will not be able to hold out. We did gather some of the Heimatwelt weapons, but they are much inferior to our own designs.   Captain Jonas Templehill, Commander of Jungle outpost 3-1A.
— Stepmorian report on Heimatwelters attempting an attack during a hurricane


Y'know. I alvays zhought zhe Armored Korps vere zhe craziest group in zhe AH, but I've seen zhe Weltuntergänger in action. Zhey're insane. Driving forward zhrough hellfire. You look at a line up of AH soldiers, und you can't tell a differance from zhe WG und zhe normal soldiers, until you get close. Zhe WG have beards, mustaches, sunglasses poking out of zheir uniform, und zheir special tabs on zheir shoulders. Zhey're terrifying. Und I'm glad to serve vith zhem.
— An AH Feldwebel, talking about the Weltuntergänger.
  The Weltuntergänger is a specialized force within the AH, designated for destroying anything that gets in their path. Using heavy mechs, armor suits, and fully automatic weapons.   Garnering the reputation as suicidal soldiers, the Weltuntergänger are called when something needs to be destroyed, or wiped off of the map, many times attacking well defended areas with full force. A single squadron of Weltuntergänger can take on an entire village by themselves, as such, they are sometimes dropped behind enemy lines.  

Abteilung für Wolke-Abwehr

Ob Regen oder Sonnenschein, ich werde fliegen. Durch Sturm und Flaute, ich werde fliegen. Durch Tag und Nacht, ich werde fliegen. Durch Kugeln und Flak, ich werde fliegen. Durch die Unterwelt und die Oberwelt, ich werde fliegen.
Abteilung für Wolke-Abwehr 'Bird' creed
  The Abteilung für Wolke-Abwehr is Heimatwelts air force. The watchful eye in the sky. Their personnel, no matter whether they're on the ground or in the air, are called 'Vogel'
Abteilung Heimverteidigung
Parent Organization


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